Kubernetes Targets


You can define Kubernetes (K8s) targets to be used with dynamic secrets for the following supported K8s types:


You can define an EKS target to be used with EKS Dynamic Secrets.

Create an EKS Target in the CLI

To create an EKS target from the CLI, run the following command:

akeyless target create eks \
--name <Target name> \
--eks-cluster-name <EKS cluster name> \
--eks-cluster-endpoint <EKS cluster endpoint> \
--eks-cluster-ca-cert <EKS cluster base64-encoded certificate>


  • name: A unique name of the target. The name can include the path to the virtual folder where you want to create the new target, using slash / separators. If the folder does not exist, it will be created together with the target.

  • eks-cluster-name: The EKS cluster name.

  • eks-cluster-endpoint: The EKS cluster endpoint.

  • eks-cluster-ca-cert: The EKS cluster base64-encoded certificate.

You can find the complete list of parameters for this command in the CLI Reference - Akeyless Targets section.

Create an EKS Target in the Console

  1. Log in to the Akeyless Console, and go to Targets > New > Kubernetes (EKS).

  2. Define a Name of the target, and specify the Location as a path to the virtual folder where you want to create the new target, using slash / separators. If the folder does not exist, it will be created together with the target.

  3. Select a Protection key with a Customer Fragment to enable Zero-Knowledge and click Next.
    For more information about Zero-Knowledge, see Implement Zero Knowledge.

  4. Choose your preferred authentication mode by selecting one of the options:

  • Check the Use Credentials radio button to authenticate with the EKS admin user credentials.
  • Check the Use Gateway's Cloud Identity radio button to authenticate with the Gateway's Cloud IAM.



For example, when you set up a Dynamic Secret, you must select the Target and the Gateway through which temporary users will be created on a target server.

The Use Gateway's Cloud Identity parameter of the Target instructs the Akeyless SaaS to use the IAM credentials of the selected Gateway for authentication with EKS.

  1. Define the remaining parameters as follows:
  • Access Key ID: If you selected the Use Credentials option in the previous step, specify the Access ID assigned to the admin user you created to authenticate Akeyless with the EKS cluster.

  • Secret Access Key: Specify the Access Key assigned to the admin user you created to authenticate Akeyless with the EKS cluster.

  • Region: Enter the EKS region that the temporary credentials are permitted to access.

  • EKS Cluster Name: The cluster name.

  • EKS Cluster URL Endpoint: The URL of the cluster.

  • EKS Cluster CA Certificate: A base64-encoded cluster CA certificate.

  1. Click Finish.


You can define a GKE target to be used with GKE dynamic secrets.

Create a GKE Target in the CLI

To create a GKE target from the CLI, run the following command:

akeyless target create gke \
--name <Target name> \
--gke-account-email <GKE service account email> \
--gke-cluster-endpoint <GKE cluster endpoint> \
--gke-cluster-ca-cert <GKE Base64-encoded cluster CA certificate> \
--gke-account-key <GKE service account private key> \
--gke-cluster-name <GKE cluster name>


  • name: A unique name of the target. The name can include the path to the virtual folder where you want to create the new target, using slash / separators. If the folder does not exist, it will be created together with the target.

  • gke-cluster-name: The name of the GKE cluster you want to connect to.

  • gke-cluster-ca-cert: Base64-encoded GKE cluster CA certificate.

  • gke-cluster-endpoint: GKE Cluster endpoint URL.

  • gke-account-email: GKE service account email.

  • gke-account-key: The Private key generated for this GKE service account (the value of the "private_key" field from the service-account's downloaded key JSON file. Make sure to replace all its escaped new-lines, \\n, with actual new lines).



Use this command to extract the private key value from your file:

jq -r '.private_key | gsub("\\\\n"; "\\n")' /path/to/your/file.json

You can find the complete list of parameters for this command in the CLI Reference - Akeyless Targets section.

Create a GKE Target in the Console

  1. Log in to the Akeyless Console, and go to Targets > New > Kubernetes (GKE).

  2. Define a Name of the target, and specify the Location as a path to the virtual folder where you want to create the new target, using slash / separators. If the folder does not exist, it will be created together with the target.

  3. Select aProtection key with a Customer Fragment to enable Zero-Knowledge and click Next.
    For more information about Zero-Knowledge, see Implement Zero Knowledge.

  4. Choose your preferred authentication mode by selecting one of the options:

  • Check the Use Credentials radio button to authenticate with the GKE admin user credentials.
  • Check the Use Gateway's Cloud Identity radio button to authenticate with the Gateway's Cloud IAM.



For example, when you set up a Dynamic Secret, you must select the Target and the Gateway through which temporary users will be created on a target server.

The Use Gateway's Cloud Identity parameter of the Target instructs the Akeyless SaaS to use the IAM credentials of the selected Gateway for authentication with GKE.

  1. Define the remaining parameters as follows:
  • GKE Service Account Email: If you selected the Use Credentials option in the previous step, specify the email of the service account ([email protected]).

  • GKE Service Account Key: Provide the RSA private key generated for this service account to access. This must be a proper PEM encoded PKCS1 or PKCS8 private key. (available under the "private_key" field within the service-account's downloaded key json-file from GCP IAM. Make sure to replace all its escaped new-lines, \n, with actual new lines to avoid parsing errors)

  • GKE Cluster CA Certificate: Provide a base64-encoded cluster CA certificate.

  • GKE Cluster URL Endpoint: Specify the URL of the cluster.

  • GKE Cluster Name: The GKE cluster name. If no value is configured, the default name will be used: gks-cluster-<service account name>.

  1. Click Finish.

K8S Generic

You can define a generic K8s target to be used with Generic Kubernetes dynamic secrets using a Bearer Token, Client Certificate or using your GW Service Account to extract the relevant settings from a Gateway that runs on a K8s cluster.

In both cases of Bearer Token and GW Service Account, the Service Account must have a K8s role with permissions as described in the Generic K8s guide.



K8s Client Certificate is not supported by EKS

Create a Generic K8s Target in the CLI

To create a generic Kubernetes target from the CLI, run the following command to create a Taregt using a Token or using certificate:

akeyless target create k8s \
--name <Target name> \
--k8s-cluster-endpoint <K8S Cluster endpoint> \
--k8s-cluster-ca-cert <K8S Cluster certificate> \
--k8s-cluster-token <K8S Cluster authentication token>
akeyless target create k8s \
--name <Target name> \
--k8s-cluster-endpoint <K8S Cluster endpoint> \
--k8s-cluster-ca-cert <K8S Cluster certificate> \
--k8s-auth-type certificate
--k8s-client-certificate <base64 PEM encoded client cert>
--k8s-client-key <base64 PEM encoded client key>


  • name: A unique name of the target. The name can include the path to the virtual folder where you want to create the new target, using slash / separators. If the folder does not exist, it will be created together with the target.

  • k8s-cluster-endpoint: The DNS or IP address of the cluster, in https:// format.

  • k8s-cluster-ca-cert: The Base-64 encoded cluster CA certificate.

  • k8s-cluster-token: A JWT authentication token authorized to create service account tokens.

  • k8s-auth-type: K8s auth type, either token (default) or certificate.

  • k8s-client-certificate: K8s client certificate (PEM format) in base64, relevant only for k8s-auth-type=certificate.

  • k8s-client-key: K8s client private key (PEM format) in base64, relevant only for k8s-auth-type=certificate

Or using your Gateway Service Account:

akeyless target create k8s \
--name <Target name> \
 --k8s-cluster-endpoint <K8S Cluster endpoint> 

You can find the complete list of parameters for this command in the CLI Reference - Akeyless Targets section.

Create a Generic K8s Target in the Console

  1. Log in to the Akeyless Console, and go to Targets > New > Kubernetes (Generic).

  2. Define a Name of the target, and specify the Location as a path to the virtual folder where you want to create the new target, using slash / separators. If the folder does not exist, it will be created together with the target.

  3. Select a Protection key with a Customer Fragment to enable Zero-Knowledge and click Next.
    For more information about Zero-Knowledge, see Implement Zero Knowledge.

  4. Define the remaining parameters as follows for any selected option:

    1. Bearer Token

      • Bearer Token: Provide a JWT authentication token authorized to manage ServiceAccount tokens, Roles, and Role Binding, depending on the working mode.

      • Cluster CA Certificate: Provide the K8s cluster CA certificate (PEM format)

      • Cluster Endpoint URL: Specify the URL of the cluster.

      • Cluster Name: Optional. Set the K8s cluster name.

    2. Client Certificate

      • Client Certificate: Provide the K8s client certificate (PEM format).
      • Client Private Key : Provide the K8s client private key (PEM format).
      • Cluster CA Certificate: Provide the K8s cluster CA certificate (PEM format).
      • Cluster Endpoint URL: Specify the URL of the cluster.
      • Cluster Name: Optional. Set the K8s cluster name.
    3. GW Service Account to extract the connection settings from a Gateway that is running on a K8s cluster, with a ServiceAccount with permissions as described in the prerequisites section of this page.

      • Cluster Name: Optional. Set the K8s cluster name.
      • Cluster Endpoint URL: Specify the URL of the cluster.
  5. Click Finish.

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