CLI Reference - Certificates

This section outlines the CLI commands relevant to SSH and PKI certificates.

General Flags:

--profile, --token: Use a specific profile (located at $HOME/.akeyless/profiles) or a temp access token

--uid-token: The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication

-h, --help: Display help information

--json[=false]: Set output format to JSON

--jq-expression: JQ expression to filter result output

--no-creds-cleanup[=false]: Do not clean local temporary expired creds

SSH certificates


Creates a new SSH certificate issuer

akeyless create-ssh-cert-issuer \
--name <SSH certificate issuer name> \
--signer-key-name <A key to sign the certificate with> \
--allowed-users <Users allowed to fetch the certificate> \
--ttl <Time To Live for the certificate>

-n, --name: Required, SSH certificate issuer name

-s, --signer-key-name: Required, A key to sign the certificate with

-a, --allowed-users: Required, List of allowed users that will be able to use the certificate, e.g ubuntu

-t, --ttl: Required, The requested Time To Live for the certificate, in seconds

-p, --principals: Signed certificates with principal, e.g example_role1,example_role2

-x, --extensions : Signed certificates with extensions, e.g permit-port-forwarding="true"

--host-provider[=explicit]: Host provider type [explicit/target]

-m, --metadata: A metadata about the issuer

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--secure-access-bastion-api: Bastion's SSH control API endpoint. E.g. https://my.bastion:9900

--secure-access-bastion-ssh: Bastion's SSH server. E.g. my.bastion:22

--secure-access-ssh-creds-user: SSH username to connect to target server, must be in 'Allowed Users' list

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections., For multiple values repeat this flag.

--secure-access-use-internal-bastion: Use internal SSH Bastion - Relevant only for Secure Remote Access Deployment, mostly when using Dockers. Set the relevant IP address of the SSH Bastion for internal communication between ZT and SSH bastions.

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Generate SSH certificate using Akeyless certificate issuer

akeyless get-ssh-certificate \
--cert-username <Username to sign> \
--cert-issuer-name <The name of the SSH certificate issuer> \
--public-key-file-path <path/to/SSH public key> \
--public-key-data <key file contents>

-s, --cert-username : Required, The username to sign in the SSH certificate (use a comma-separated list for more than one username)

-c, --cert-issuer-name: Required, The name of the SSH certificate issuer

-p, --public-key-file-path: SSH public key

-o, --outfile: Output file path with the certificate. If not provided, and public-key-file-path used, the file with the certificate will be created in the same location of the provided public key with the -cert extension

--public-key-data: SSH public key file contents. If this option is used, the certificate will be printed to stdout

-t, --ttl: Updated certificate lifetime in seconds (must be less than the Certificate Issuer default TTL)

--legacy-signing-alg-name[=false]: Set this option to use the legacy signing algorithm [email protected].


Updates an existing SSH certificate issuer

akeyless update-ssh-cert-issuer \
--name <SSH cert issuer name> \
--signer-key-name <A key to sign the certificate with> \
--allowed-users <Users allowed to fetch the certificate> \
--ttl <Time To Live for the certificate>


-n, --name: Required, SSH certificate issuer name

--new-name: New item name

-s, --signer-key-name: Required, A key to sign the certificate with

-a, --allowed-users: Required, List of allowed users that will be able to use the certificate, e.g ubuntu

-t, --ttl: Required, The requested Time To Live for the certificate, in seconds.

-p, --principals: Signed certificates with principal, e.g example_role1,example_role2

-x, --extensions: Signed certificates with extensions, e.g permit-port-forwarding="true"

--host-provider[=explicit]: Host provider type [explicit/target]

-m, --metadata: A metadata about the issuer

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--secure-access-bastion-api: Bastion's SSH control API endpoint. E.g. https://my.bastion:9900

--secure-access-bastion-ssh: Bastion's SSH server. E.g. my.bastion:22

--secure-access-ssh-creds-user: SSH username to connect to target server, must be in 'Allowed Users' list

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections., For multiple values repeat this flag

--secure-access-use-internal-bastion: Use internal SSH Bastion

PKI certificates


Creates a new PKI certificate issuer

akeyless create-pki-cert-issuer \
--name <PKI issuer name> \
--ttl <The maximum requested Time To Live for issued certificates, in seconds> \
--signer-key-name <A singer key to sign and issue certificate> 

-n, --name: Required, PKI certificate issuer name

--ca-target: The name of an existing CA target (e.g. GlobalSign,GoDaddy,ZeroSSL) to attach this PKI Certificate Issuer, Relevant only when using Public CA.

-s, --signer-key-name: A key to sign the issued certificates.

--gw-cluster-url: The GW cluster URL, Relevant for Public CA and CRL.

-t, --ttl: Required, The maximum requested Time To Live for the issued certificate by default in seconds, supported formats are s,m,h,d.

--allowed-domains: A list of domains (comma seperated) this Issuer is allowed to issue certificates for.

--allowed-uri-sans: A list of the allowed URIs Subject Alternative Names (comma seperated) this Issuer is allowed to issue certificate for.

--allow-subdomains [=false]: If set, clients can request certificates for subdomains and wildcard subdomains of the allowed domains

--not-enforce-hostnames [=false]: If set, any names are allowed for CN and SANs in the certificate and not only a valid host name

--allow-any-name [=false]: If set, clients can request certificates for any CN

--not-require-cn [=false]: If set, clients can request certificates without a CN.

--server-flag [=false] : Extended Key Usage field If set, certificates will be flagged for server auth.

--client-flag [=false] : Extended Key Usage field If set, certificates will be flagged for client auth use.

--code-signing-flag [=false] : Extended Key Usage field If set, certificates will be flagged for code signing use.

--key-usage[=DigitalSignature,KeyAgreement,KeyEncipherment]: A list of Key Usage flags

--critical-key-usage[=true]: Mark key usage as critical [true/false]

--organization-units : A comma-separated list of organizational units (OU) that will be set in the issued certificate.

--organizations : A comma-separated list of organizations (O) that will be set in the issued certificate.

--country : A comma-separated list of the country that will be set in the issued certificate.

--locality: A comma-separated list of the locality that will be set in the issued certificate.

--province: A comma-separated list of the province that will be set in the issued certificate.

--street-address: A comma-separated list of the street address that will be set in the issued certificate.

--postal-code: A comma-separated list of the postal code that will be set in the issued certificate.

--destination-path: A path in Akeyless to store the generated certificates for future provisioning, renwals and expirtaion events.

--protect-certificates: Whether to protect generated certificates from deletion

--is-ca [=false]: If set, the basic constraints extension will be added to the issued certificate

--enable-acme: If set, the cert issuer will support the acme protocol

-e, --expiration-event-in: How many days before the expiration of the certificate would you like to be notified, To specify multiple events, use the argument multiple times: --expiration-event-in 1 --expiration-event-in 5

--allowed-extra-extensions: A JSON string that defines the allowed extra extensions for the PKI cert issuer, e.g. '{"<OID>":["<Vlaue>"]}'

--allowed-extra-extensions-file-path: A path to a file containing a JSON string that defines the allowed extra extensions for the PKI cert issuer

--allow-copy-ext-from-csr: If set, will allow copying the extra extensions from the CSR file (if given)

--create-public-crl: Set this to allow the cert issuer will expose a public CRL endpoint

--create-private-crl: Set this to allow the issuer will expose a CRL endpoint in the Gateway

--auto-renew: Automatically renew certificates before expiration

--scheduled-renew: Number of days before expiration to renew certificates

--description: Description of the object

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

--tag: List of the tags attached to this key. To specify multiple tags use argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 --tag Tag2


Generates a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

akeyless generate-csr \
--name <Key Name> \
--common-name <Common Name> 

-n, --name: Required, Full path to the Key that will sign the CSR

-g, --generate-key: Use this flag to generate a new classic key to sign the CSR - A name must be specified for the new key

-k, --key-type[=classic-key]: The type of the key to generate (classic-key/dfc)

--export-private-key[=false]: If set the private key will be provided with the CSR.

-a, --alg: Algorithm to use for generating the new key (RSA1024, RSA2048, RSA3072, RSA4096, EC256, EC384)

-c, --common-name: Required, common name to be included in the CSR certificate

--certificate-type: certificate type to be included in the CSR certificate (ssl-client/ssl-server/certificate-signing)

--critical: add critical to the key usage extension (will be false if not added)

--org: organization to be included in the CSR

--dep: department to be included in the CSR

--city: city to be included in the CSR

--state: state to be included in the CSR

--country: country to be included in the CSR

--alt-names: a comma-separated list of dns alternative names

--email-addresses: a comma-separated list of email addresses alternative names

--ip-addresses: a comma-separated list of ip addresses alternative names

--uri-sans: a comma-separated list of uri alternative names

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL http://Your-Akeyless-Gateway-URL:8000

--description: Description of the object


Gets credentials for authentication with Kubernetes cluster based on a PKI Cert Issuer

akeyless get-kube-exec-creds \
--cert-issuer-name <PKI cert issuer name> \
--key-file-path <The client public or private key file path> \
--alt-names <The Subject Alternative Names to be included in the PKI certificate> \ 
--ttl <Updated certificate lifetime in seconds>

-c, --cert-issuer-name : Required, The name of the PKI certificate issuer.

-k, --key-file-path: The client public or private key file path (in case of a private key, it will be use to extract the public key)

--key-data-base64: pki key file contents encoded using Base64. If this option is used, the certificate will be printed to stdout

--csr-file-path: Path to Certificate Signing Request file to generate the certificate with

--csr-data-base64: Certificate Signing Request contents encoded in base64 to generate the certificate with (if csr-file-path is provided this flag is ignored)

--common-name: The common name to be included in the PKI certificate.

--alt-names: The Subject Alternative Names to be included in the PKI certificate (in a comma-delimited list).

--uri-sans: The URI Subject Alternative Names to be included in the PKI certificate (in a comma-delimited list).

-t, --ttl: Updated certificate lifetime in seconds (must be less than the Certificate Issuer default TTL)

-e, --extended-key-usage: A comma-separated list of extended key usage requests which will be used for certificate issuance. Supported values: 'clientauth', 'serverauth'.

-o, --outfile: Output file path with the certificate. If not provided, the file with the certificate will be created in the same location of the provided public key with the -cert extension

-a, --api-version[=v1]: The version of the client authentication API


Generates PKI certificate from a PKI Issuer

akeyless get-pki-certificate \
--cert-issuer-name <PKI issuer name> \
--key-file-path <client Key> \
--ttl <certificate lifetime> 

-c, --cert-issuer-name: Required, The name of the PKI certificate issuer.

-k, --key-file-path: The client public or private key file path (in case of a private key, it will be use to extract the public key). When using CSR with a private key, the provided key will be stored with the issued certificate.

--key-data-base64: pki key file contents encoded using Base64. If this option is used, the certificate will be printed to stdout

--csr-file-path: Path to Certificate Signing Request file to generate the certificate with

--csr-data-base64: Certificate Signing Request contents encoded in base64 to generate the certificate with (if csr-file-path is provided this flag is ignored)

--common-name: The common name to be included in the PKI certificate

--alt-names: The Subject Alternative Names to be included in the PKI certificate (in a comma-delimited list)

--uri-sans: The URI Subject Alternative Names to be included in the PKI certificate (in a comma-delimited list)

-t, --ttl: Updated certificate lifetime (must be less than the Certificate Issuer default TTL). Default in seconds, supported formats are s,m,h,d

-e, --extended-key-usage: A comma-separated list of extended key usage requests that will be used for certificate issuance. Supported values: 'clientauth', 'serverauth', If critical is present the extension will be marked as critical

--extra-extensions: A JSON string that defines the requested extra extensions for the certificate

--extra-extensions-file-path: A path to a file containing a JSON string that defines the requested extra extensions for the certificate

-o, --outfile: Output file path with the certificate. If not provided, the file with the certificate will be created in the same location as the provided public key with the -cert extension


Renew a PKI certificate

akeyless renew-certificate \
--name <Certificate name> \
--item-id <Certificate Item-ID>

-n, --name: Certificate name

-i, --item-id: Certificate item ID

--generate-key: Generate a new key as part of the certificate renewal

-c, --cert-issuer-name: Optional,the name of the PKI certificate issuer, relevant only for imported Certificates.


Updates a new PKI certificate issuer

akeyless update-pki-cert-issuer \
--name <PKI issuer name> \
--ttl <The maximum requested Time To Live for issued certificates, in seconds> \ 
--new-name <New item name> \
--signer-key-name <A key to sign the certificate with> 


-n, --name: Required, PKI certificate issuer name

--new-name: New item name

-s, --signer-key-name: A key to sign the certificate with

-t, --ttl: Required, The maximum requested Time To Live for issued certificate by default in seconds, supported formats are s,m,h,d. In case of Public CA, this is based on the CA target's supported maximum TTLs

--gw-cluster-url: The GW cluster URL to issue the certificate from, required in Public CA mode

--allowed-uri-sans: A list of the allowed URIs that clients can request to be included in the certificate as part of the URI Subject Alternative Names (in a comma-delimited list)

--allow-subdomains: If set, clients can request certificates for subdomains and wildcard subdomains of the allowed domains

--not-enforce-hostnames: If set, any names are allowed for CN and SANs in the certificate and not only a valid host name

--allow-any-name: If set, clients can request certificates for any CN

--not-require-cn: If set, clients can request certificates without a CN

--server-flag: If set, certificates will be flagged for server auth use

--client-flag: If set, certificates will be flagged for client auth use

--code-signing-flag: If set, certificates will be flagged for code signing use

--key-usage[=DigitalSignature, KeyAgreement, KeyEncipherment]: A comma-separated string or list of key usages

--critical-key-usage[=true]: Mark key usage as critical [true/false]

--organization-units: A comma-separated list of organizational units (OU) that will be set in the issued certificate

--organizations: A comma-separated list of organizations (O) that will be set in the issued certificate

--country: A comma-separated list of the country that will be set in the issued certificate

--locality: A comma-separated list of the locality that will be set in the issued certificate

--province: A comma-separated list of the province that will be set in the issued certificate

--street-address: A comma-separated list of the street address that will be set in the issued certificate

--postal-code: A comma-separated list of the postal code that will be set in the issued certificate

--destination-path: A path in Akeyless which to save generated certificates

--protect-certificates: Whether to protect generated certificates from deletion

--is-ca: If set, the basic constraints extension will be added to the certificate

--enable-acme: If set, the cert issuer will support the acme protocol

--expiration-event-in: How many days before the expiration of the certificate would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use the argument multiple times: --expiration-event-in 1 --expiration-event-in 5

--allowed-extra-extensions: A JSON string that defines the allowed extra extensions for the PKI cert issuer

--allowed-extra-extensions-file-path: A path to a file containing a JSON string that defines the allowed extra extensions for the PKI cert issuer.

--allow-copy-ext-from-csr: If set, will allow copying the extra extensions from the CSR file (if given)

--create-public-crl: Set this to allow the cert issuer will expose a public CRL endpoint

--create-private-crl: Set this to allow the issuer will expose a CRL endpoint in the Gateway

--auto-renew: Automatically renew certificates before expiration

--scheduled-renew: Number of days before expiration to renew certificates

--description: Description of the object

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

Certificate Storage


Creates a new certificate

akeyless create-certificate \
--name <certificate-name> \
--certificate <path-to-certificate-PEM/CER/CRT/PFX/P12>

-n, --name: Required, Unique Certificate name (mandatory)

-c, --certificate: Required, Path to a file that contain the certificate. Supported formats are: pem,cer,crt,pfx,p12.

--certificate-data: Content of the certificate PEM/CER/CRT/PFX/P12 in a Base64 format. It is mandatory to add this OR the --certificate

--format[=pem]: Certificate Format of the certificate and private key, possible values: cer,crt,pem,pfx,p12

--passphrase: Passphrase to decrypt pkcs12/pks certificate data

-p, --private-key: Path to the file with the certificate's private key. Certificate Format should be the same as provided for the certificate

--key-data: Content of the certificate's private key PEM in a Base64 format. If this is defined --private-key is disabled.

-e, --expiration-event-in: How many days before the expiration of the certificate would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --expiration-event-in 1 --expiration-event-in 5

-k, --key: The name of a key to use to encrypt the certificate's key' (if empty, the account default protectionKey key will be used)

-m, --metadata: Metadata about the certificate

-t, --tag: List of the tags attached to this certificate. To specify multiple tags use argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Gets the certificate's PEM, and the private key's PEM if it exists, in a JSON file

akeyless get-certificate-value --name <certificate-name>

-n, --name: Required, Certificate name

-d, --display-id: Certificate display ID

--version: Certificate version

-c, --cert-issuer-name: The parent PKI Certificate Issuer's name of the certificate, required when used with display-id and token

--certificate-file-output: File to write the certificates to

--private-key-file-output: File to write the private key to


Provision a certificate content to a target

akeyless provision-certificate \
--name <Certificate name> \
--item-id <Certificate Item-ID>

-n, --name: Certificate name

-I, --item-id: Certificate item ID

-d, --display-id: Certificate display ID


Revokes a certificate and adds it to the issuer CRL

akeyless revoke-certificate \
--name <Certificate name> \
--item-id <item-id> 

-n, --name: Certificate name

-i, --item-id: The item ID of the certificate to revoke

-s, --serial-number: The serial number of the certificate to revoke, in base10 or hex format

--version: Certificate version to revoke. Required if item-id or name are used


Updates the data in an existing certificate

akeyless update-certificate-value \
--name <certificate-name> \
--certificate <path-to-certificate-PEM/CER/CRT/PFX/P12>

-n, --name: Required, Certificate name

-c, --certificate: Path to a file that contain the certificate. Supported formats are: pem,cer,crt,pfx,p12

--certificate-data: Content of the certificate PEM in a Base64 format. It is mandatory to add this OR the --certificate

--format[=pem]: Certificate Format of the certificate and private key, possible values: cer,crt,pem,pfx,p12

--passphrase: Passphrase to decrypt pkcs12/pks certificate data

-p, --private-key: Path to the file with the certificate's private key. Certificate Format should be the same as provided for the certificate

--key-data: Content of the certificate's private key PEM in a Base64 format. If this is defined --private-key is disabled.

-e, --expiration-event-in: How many days before the expiration of the certificate would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --expiration-event-in 1 --expiration-event-in 5

-k, --key: The name of a key to use to encrypt the certificate's key' (if empty, the account default protectionKey key will be used)

-m, --metadata: Metadata about the certificate

-t, --tag: List of the tags attached to this certificate. To specify multiple tags use argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]



Generates an external account binding for a cert issuer

akeyless generate-acme-eab \
--cert-issuer-name <PKI issuer name> 


Lists acme external accounts for a cert issuer

akeyless list-acme-accounts \
--cert-issuer-name <PKI issuer name>


Deactivate \ Delete an acme external account

akeyless deactivate-acme-account \
--cert-issuer-name <PKI issuer name> \
--acme-account-id <Account ID>