CLI Reference - Static Secrets
This section outlines the CLI commands relevant to Static Secrets.
General Flags:
--profile, --token
: Use a specific profile (located at $HOME/.akeyless/profiles
) or a temp access token
: The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication
-h, --help
: Display help information
: Set output format to JSON
: JQ expression to filter result output
: Do not clean local temporary expired creds
Creates a new static secret item
akeyless create-secret \
--name <Secret name> \
--value <Secret value> \
--type <generic/password>
: Required, Secret name
: The secret sub type [generic
: Required, The secret value (relevant only for type generic
-f, --format[=text]
: Secret format [text
/ key-value
] (relevant only for type 'generic
--url, --inject-url
: Comma separated list of URLs associated with the item (only relevant for type 'password')
-p, --password
: The password value (relevant for "password manager" only)
-u, --username
: The username value (relevant for "password manager" only)
-c, --custom-field
: Additional custom fields to associate with the item, to specify multiple fields repeat the argument: --custom-field fieldName1=value1 -c fieldName2=value2 (only relevant for type 'password')
: In case of an item in a user's personal folder [regular/personal]
-t, --tag
: List of the tags attached to this secret. To specify multiple tags use argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2
-k, --key
: The name of a key that used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)
: The provided value is a multiline value (separated by '\n')
: Set the maximum number of versions, limited by the account settings defaults
: Enable/Disable secure remote access, 'true'/'false'
: Static-Secret values contains SSH Credentials, either Private Key or Password [password/private-key]
: Destination URL to inject secrets
: Secure browser via Akeyless Web Access Bastion
: Web-Proxy via Akeyless Web Access Bastion
: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion
: Target servers for connections., For multiple values repeat this flag.
: Override the SSH username as indicated in SSH Certificate Issuer
: Remote Desktop Username
: Secret description
: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]
: Trigger an event when a secret value changed, [True/False]
Get the item details
akeyless describe-item \
--name <item-name> \
--display-id <display id of the item> \
--item-id <Item-ID>
-n, --name
: Item name
-d, --display-id
: The display id of the item
-I, --item-id
: Item id of the item
: Include all item versions in reply
: Output will include additional gateway details (e.g cluster URL)
: Output will include additional bastion details
: Include all associated services details
: In case of an item in a user's personal folder [regular/personal]
See Commands for all items and objects and also Updating and versioning static secrets for details.
Get static secret value
akeyless get-secret-value --name <Secret Name>
: Required, Secret name
: Secret version, if negative value N is provided (--version=-N) the last N versions will return (maximum 20)
: Retrieve the Secret value without checking the Gateway's cache [true/false]. This flag is only relevant when using the RestAPI
: In case of an item in a user's personal folder [regular/personal]
Import passwords from CSV file
CSV Example
The box below has an example CSV that is valid for importing in the format of Chrome
akeyless import-passwords \
--import-path <Path/to/CSV/Filee> \
--format <source format>
/path/to/Example Email,,[email protected],P@ssword123,Primary email account for personal use
/full/path/to/Example Bank,,alice_bank,P@ssw0rd!,Banking account login details
/path/to/Example Social,,alice_social,Social123,Social media account credentials
-p, --import-path
: Required, Path to the CSV file that contains passwords to import
: Password format type [LastPass
: Whether passwords should be imported to the user's personal folder [regular/personal]
: Target folder for imported passwords
-k, --key
: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key key will be used)
: Specify how to handle passwords that already exist (skip/update)
List shared items in the current account
Rollback secret to older version
akeyless rollback-secret \
--name <Secret Name> \
--old-version <Secret version>
: Required, Secret name
: Required, Old secret version to rollback to
Sharing item operation [start sharing/stop sharing/sharing describe]
akeyless share-item \
--item-name <Secret Name> \
--action <start/stop/describe> \
--email <Email list>
-n, --item-name
: Required, The secret name (supported types: static secret)
-a, --action
: Required, The action to perform [start
: Share type [email
-e, --email
: List of emails to start/stop sharing the secret with, To specify multiple emails use argument multiple times: -e email1 -e email2
-s, --shared-token-id
: Shared token ids to stop sharing a secret, To specify multiple token ids use the argument multiple times: --shared-token-id token1
--shared-token-id token2
-t, --ttl
: Availability of the shared secret in seconds
-v, --view-once[=false]
: Shared secrets can only be viewed once [true/false]
: In case of an item in a user's personal folder [regular/personal]
Unwrapping the token containing a secret
akeyless unwrap-token \
--shared-token <token>
-s, --shared-token
: Required, The value of the shared token that wraps the secret
Update static secret value
akeyless update-secret-val \
--name <Secret Name> \
--value <secret value>
: Required, Secret name
: Required, The updated secret value
--url, --inject-url
: List of the URL associated with the item (relevant for "password manager" only)
-p, --password
: The password value (relevant for "password manager" only)
-u, --username
: The username value (relevant for "password manager" only)
-c, --custom-field
: Additional custom fields to associate with the item, to specify multiple fields repeat the argument: --custom-field fieldName1=value1 -c fieldName2=value2 (only relevant for type 'password')
-k, --key
: The name of a key that used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protectionKey key will be used)
: The provided value is a multiline value (separated by '\n')
: The last version number before the update
: [Deprecated: Use keep-prev-version instead] Whether to create a new version
: Whether to keep previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings
: In case of an item in a user's personal folder [regular/personal]
For other data, such as description or tags, use update-item
as described in Commands for all items and objects.
Updated about 1 month ago