SPIRE Secret Manager



The following Authentication Methods can be used:



In this guide, we will use an API Key Authentication Method for simplicity and we are only using Linux machines. For MacOS, please see the guide here.

Create a new API Key Authentication Method using the CLI:

akeyless create-auth-method --name /Dev/Spire-Agent-Auth

Create an Access Role:

akeyless create-role --name /Dev/Spire-Agent-Role

Associate your API Key Authentication Method to the Access Role that was created:

akeyless assoc-role-am --role-name /Dev/Spire-Agent-Role \
--am-name /Dev/Spire-Agent-Auth

Set create, list, update permissions for Secret & Keys for the Access Role:

akeyless set-role-rule --role-name /Dev/Spire-Agent-Role \
--path /SPIRE/SVID/'*' \
--capability create --capability update


Run the following command to download and unpack pre-built spire-server and spire-agent executables and example configuration files in a spire-1.7.0 directory.

curl -s -N -L https://github.com/spiffe/spire/releases/download/v1.7.0/spire-1.7.0-linux-amd64-glibc.tar.gz | tar xz

Next, download the AkeylessSecretManager plugin, by running the following command:

curl -o AkeylessSecretManager https://download.akeyless.io/Akeyless_Artifacts/Linux/spire/plugin/agent/spire-sm-amd64-linux-v0.0.6
chmod +x AkeylessSecretManager
curl -o AkeylessSecretManager https://download.akeyless.io/Akeyless_Artifacts/Linux/spire/plugin/agent/spire-sm-arm64-linux-v0.0.6
chmod +x AkeylessSecretManager

Validate the SHA256 CHECKSUM:

sha256sum AkeylessSecretManager

The sha256sum command generates a unique, fixed-size hash value (256 bits) for the binary file, ensuring that data remains unchanged.

Open the SPIRE Agent config file in the spire- directory in conf/agent/agent.conf, and add the SVIDStore Plugin under plugins as follows:

SVIDStore "akeyless_secretsmanager" {
    plugin_cmd = "/path/to/plugin_cmd"
    plugin_checksum = "sha256 of the plugin binary"
    plugin_data {
     akeyless_gateway_url = 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000/api/v2>' # or use port 8081
     access_id = "<Your_Access_ID>"
     access_key = "<Your_Access_KEY>"
     target_folder = "/SPIRE/SVID/"     


  • plugin_cmd - The location of the binary file that was created.

  • plugin_checksum - sha256 of the binary.

  • akeyless_gateway_url - Akeyless Gateway URL API v2 endpoint.

  • access_id - The Auth Method AccessID

  • access_key - Optional, the AccessKey. Relevant only for API Key

  • target_folder - A path to save all items inside Akeyless where the generated SVIDs will be stored

For K8s,GCP or AzureAD Auth method set the following settings as well:

  • k8s_auth_config_name- K8s Auth Config name as created under your Gateway

  • gcp_audience- The audience to verify the JWT received by the client. By default, akeyless.io

  • azure_object_id - Optional for Azure, objectID

SPIRE Agent Initialization



SPIRE Server

You are required to start the SPIRE server before running the Agent commands.

In order to attest the SPIRE agent to the server, create a join token:

bin/spire-server token generate -spiffeID spiffe://example.org/myagent
Token: <token_string>

Make a note of the token, you will need it in the next step to attest the agent on initial startup.

Attest the SPIRE agent to the SPIRE server:

bin/spire-agent run -config conf/agent/agent.conf -joinToken <token_string> &

Create a registration policy

bin/spire-server entry create -parentID spiffe://example.org/myagent \
-spiffeID spiffe://example.org/myservice -selector akeyless_secretsmanager:secretname:<Secret Name> -storeSVID

Upon successful registration of the workload, a secret will be created in Akeyless in the /SPIRE/SVID/ folder, which will contain the following information:

  • SpiffeID
  • Certificate
  • x509SVIDKey




For the full configuration steps, visit the official Quickstart for Linux and MacOS X guide

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