ServiceNow Event Forwarder

ServiceNow Event Forwarder enables you to forward event notifications to Endpoint URLs based on your configuration. These include notifications about Items, Auth Methods, Targets, and Gateways, which can be configured to be sent immediately or every 1 to 24 hours.



The URL for the ServiceNow endpoint would be: <serviceNowURL>/akeyless-events/

Create a ServiceNow Event Forwarder using the CLI

To set up a ServiceNow Event Forwarder, use the following command:

akeyless event-forwarder create servicenow \
--name MyForwarder \
--gateway-url <'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>'> \
--host <Endpoint URL> \
--items-event-source-locations </MySecrets/*> \
--targets-event-source-locations </MyTargets/*>
--event-types <event type> \
--auth-type <jwt> \
--user-email <[email protected]> \
--client-id <Client ID> \
--client-secret <Client Secret> \
--app-private-key-file-path <RSA Private Key>
--event-types <event types> \
--runner-type[=immediate] <immediate, periodic> \
--every <1-24 hours> \
akeyless event-forwarder create servicenow \
--name MyForwarder \
--gateway-url <'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>'> \
--host <Endpoint URL> \
--items-event-source-locations </MySecrets/*> \
--targets-event-source-locations </MyTargets/*>
--event-types <event type> \
--admin-name <Admin name> \
--admin-pwd <Admin password>

The main parameters for the command are as follows:

  • name: Event Forwarder name

  • gateway-url: Akeyless Gateway Configuration Manager URL (port 8000)

  • host: ServiceNow endpoint URL

  • items-event-source-locations: Items event sources to forward events about, for example: /MySecrets/*

  • targets-event-source-locations Targets event sources to forward events about, for example: /MyTargets/*

  • auth-methods-event-source-locations Auth Methods event sources to forward events about, for example: /API-Keys/*

  • gateways-event-source-locations: Gateways event sources to forward events about, for example, the relevant Gateways cluster URL: https://localhost:8000

  • event-types: A comma-separated list of types of events to notify about, view the full list of the available events

  • auth-type: The Webhook Authentication Type [user-pass, jwt]

    • For user-pass:

      • admin-name: Workstation Admin Name

      • admin-pwd: Workstation Admin Password

    • For jwt:

      • user-email: The user email to identify with when connecting with jwt authentication
      • client-id: The Client's ID to use when connecting with jwt authentication
      • client-secret: The Client's Secret to use when connecting with jwt authentication
      • app-private-key-file-path: Path to the RSA Private Key to use when connecting with jwt authentication
  • --runner-type[=immediate]: Event Forwarder runner type [immediate, periodic]

  • --every: Rate of periodic runner repetition in hours

You can find the complete list of parameters for this command in the CLI Reference - ServiceNow Event forwarder

Create a ServiceNow event forwarder using the Console

  1. Log in to the Akeyless Console and open the Event Center, select Manage Forwarders. If this is your first Forwarder, it appears as Add Forwarder, click it and choose: ServiceNow

  2. Fill in the following fields:

  • Name: The ServiceNow event forwarder name
  • ServiceNow URL: The URL which will receive the notifications from Akeyless

Choose Authentication Type (Password / JWT)

  • For Password:

    • Provide: ServiceNow Admin Username and Password
  • For JWT:

    • Provide: Username, ClientID, Client Secret, and the Private Key
  • Gateway: Choose a gateway from the list.

  • Protection-Key: Protection key other than the default, if you wish to change it

  • Choose either to:

    • Forward Events Immediately: Forward events as soon as the event occurs

    • Forward Events Every: choose when to forward events, in hours

  • Event Sources: Select the Items / Auth Methods / Targets / Gateways you would like to get events on based on their locations

  • Event Type: Choose the relevant event to be notified about from the following list

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