Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
The LDAP Authentication Method uses an existing LDAP server in order to authenticate your users without sharing their credentials directly with Akeyless or any other third party. The Akeyless Gateway interacts directly with your LDAP server inside your internal network, acting as an internal trusted server, to ensure safe communication.
Akeyless Gateway with network access to an LDAP server.
An Access Role with permissions to create an Authentication Method.
A privileged LDAP User.
Create an LDAP Authentication Method from the Akeyless Console
- Log in to the Akeyless Console, go to Users & Auth Methods > New > LDAP, and click on Next →.
- On the Basic Configuration step define a Name for the authentication method, and specify the Location as a path to the virtual folder where you want to create the new authentication method, using slash
separators. The folder will be created with the authentication method if it does not exist. - Define the remaining parameters as follows:
Expiration Date: Select the access expiration date. This parameter is optional. Leave it empty for access to continue without an expiration date.
Allowed Client IPs: Enter a comma-separated list of CIDR blocks from which the client can issue calls to the proxy. By "client," we mean CURL, SDK, etc. This parameter is optional. Leave it empty for unrestricted access.
Allowed Trusted Gateway IPs: Enter a comma-separated list of CIDR blocks. When specified, the Gateway with the IP from this range will be trusted to forward original client IPs (so that they will be visible in the logs).
This parameter is optional. If empty, the IP of the Gateway will be used in the logs. -
Audit Log Sub Claims: Enter a comma-separated list of sub-claims keys to be included in the audit logs.
Require Sub Claim on role association: select to force Sub-Claims during Role association.
Unique Identifier: A unique identifier is usually one of the following keys
, orUPN
. Identity Providers issue sub-claims containing details that uniquely identify the user whenever a user logs in.
A sub-claim includes a key holding the unique identifier value you configured and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization.
On the LDAP Configuration step define the following:
Gateway: An Akeyless Gateway to create the LDAP configuration.
LDAP Server URL: The LDAP server URL, e.g.
or secured serverldaps://planetexpress.com:636
. -
Server CA Certificate: LDAP server CA certificate, requires x509 PEM encoded certificate format, Relevant only if secured LDAP server
is used. -
LDAP Bind DN: Distinguished Name (DN) of object to bind when performing user and group search
,Relevant only if Enable LDAP Anonymous Search is checked. -
Password for LDAP Bind DN: Password to perform user search, Relevant only if Enable LDAP Anonymous Search is NOT checked.
On the Search Configuration step define the following:
- User Base DN: Base DN to perform user membership search, e.g.
The following Search Configuration steps are Optional:
LDAP User Attribute: LDAP attribute on user object returned by user authentication, default is
attribute value. e.g.uid
. -
Group Base DN: Base DN to perform group membership search, e.g.
. -
Go Template for Group Membership query: Go template used when constructing the group membership query. The template can access the following context variables:
UserDN, Username
. -
LDAP Group Attribute: LDAP attribute to follow on objects returned by
in order to enumerate user group membership, the default iscn
. -
Click on Finish.
Updated 9 months ago
Make sure to associate your new Authentication Method with an Access Role to grant the relevant permissions within Akeyless