Azure DevOps Plugin

To install this plugin you'll have to add the Vault Interaction task to your organization using this link.

Configuration & Usage

In your project, under Pipelines, select the relevant pipeline and click "Edit".

  1. Search for the "Vault - Read KV Secrets" Task, select it and configure it as follows:

Under Vault Server Settings: add the following Akeyless host as your Vault URL:, to work with your own Akeyless Gateway set the Vault URL URL of your Gateway HVP endpoint: https://Your-Gateway-URL:8000/hvp (or using your gateway url at port 8200)



Akeyless developed API compatibility with Hashicorp Vault OSS, enabling the use of Vault OSS community plugins for both Static & Dynamic Secrets, you can find more information here

Under Authentication Method: choose Client Token and provide the Akeyless token following this format:
The Token value can be a concatenation of your Access ID and your Access Key for an API Key authentication in the following format: < Access ID >".."< Access Key >. And should be used more securely as an environment variable.

Alternatively, to work with any other Authentication Methods you can extract your token using Akeyless auth command:

akeyless auth --access-id <Access ID> --access-type <Auth method type>

To work with Static Secrets edit the following KV Settings:

For KV engine path, set secret/data. KV version should be set to v1 and Secret path should contain your secret full path in Akeyless.
The final task should look like this:

- task: VaultReadKV@2
   strUrl: ''
   ignoreCertificateChecks: true
   strAuthType: 'clientToken'
   strToken: 'access_id..access_key'
   strKVEnginePath: '/secret/data'
   kvVersion: 'v1'
   strSecretPath: '/test'
   strPrefixType: 'custom'
   replaceCR: 'false'

After running your pipeline, you’ll see this input in the VaultReadKV step:

To fetch Dynamic Secrets edit the following KV Settings:

For KV engine path set mysql/creds. KV version should be set to v1 and Secret path should contain your secret full path in Akeyless.

The final task should look in this fashion:

- task: VaultReadKV@2
   strUrl: ''
   ignoreCertificateChecks: false
   strAuthType: 'clientToken'
   strToken: 'access_id..access_key'
   strKVEnginePath: 'mysql/creds'
   kvVersion: 'v1'
   strSecretPath: '/test'
   strPrefixType: 'custom'
   replaceCR: false

Add a script block for using the mysql credentials:

- script: |
   mysql --host XXXXX --port 3306 --user=$(username) --password='$(password)' -e 'show databases;'
 displayName: 'Show Databases in DB'

After running your pipeline, you’ll see this input in Show Databases in DB step:

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