GoDaddy Target


GoDaddy Target enables you to use GoDaddy as a Public CA with Akeyless PKI Issuer.

With Public CA, Akeyless cannot access the private key that signs the certificates. Hence, Akeyless will programmatically contact GoDaddy through the Gateway using IMAP user credentials to validate the certificate request. Akeyless will store and manage the issued certificates and notify you of upcoming expiration events.

Create a GoDaddy Target in the CLI

To create a GoDaddy target from the CLI, run the following command:

akeyless target create godaddy \
--name <Target Name> \
--api-key <API Key of the GoDaddyTarget account> \
--secret <Secret of the api credentials to the Godaddy account>
--imap-username <Username to access the IMAP service> \
--imap-password <Password to access the IMAP service> \
--imap-fqdn <FQDN of the IMAP service> \
--imap-port[=993] <Port of the IMAP service>


  • name: A unique name for the target. The name can include a path to the virtual folder where you want to create a new target using the slash /separators. If the folder does not exist, it will be created with the target.

  • api-key: The GoDaddy API Key .

  • secret: The GoDaddy API Key Secret.

  • imap-username: An email address of the user registered to the IMAP service

  • imap-password: IMAP APP-Password - for example, on Gmail Under Settings-> Security , click on 2-Step Verification, and generate APP-Password (2-Step verification must be enabled)

  • imap-fqdn: IMAP FQDN, for example:

  • imap-port[=993]: Port of the IMAP service

Note: Once the GoDaddy Target is created, it can be used to generate a public certificate.

You can find the complete list of parameters for this command in the CLI Reference - Akeyless Targets section

Create a GoDaddy Target in the Console

  1. Log in to the Akeyless Console, and go to Targets > New > Certificate Automation (GoDaddy).

  2. Define a Name of the target, and specify the Location as a path to the virtual folder where you want to create the new target, using slash / separators. If the folder does not exist, it will be created together with the target.

  3. Select a Protection key with a Customer Fragment to enable Zero-Knowledge and click Next.
    For more information about Zero-Knowledge, see Implement Zero Knowledge.

  4. Define the remaining parameters as follows:

  • API Key: GoDaddy API Key.

  • API Secret GoDaddy API Key Secret.

  • IMAP Username: An email address of the user registered to the IMAP service

  • IMAP Password: IMAP APP-Password, for example, on Gmail Under Settings -> Security, click on 2-Step Verification and generate APP-Password (2-Step verification must be enabled)

  • IMAP FQDN: A FQDN of an IMAP service, For example,

  • IMAP Port: IMAP service port, default is 993

  • Timeout (seconds): Timeout in seconds waiting for certificate validation (min: 300, max: 3600, default is 300)

  1. Click Finish.