CLI Reference
This section describes the available CLI commands that you can use when working with Akeyless.
If you need help in context, check out the help from the terminal:
General Flags:
--profile, --token
: Use a specific profile (located at $HOME/.akeyless/profiles
) or a temp access token
: The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication
-h, --help
: Display help information
: Set output format to JSON
: JQ expression to filter result output
: Do not clean local temporary expired creds
akeyless -h
akeyless <command> -h, --help
akeyless <command> --debug
Update Akeyless CLI
akeyless update
akeyless update
Update to the latest Akeyless CLI version
akeyless update
-v, --version[=latest]
: The CLI version
-s, --show-changelog
: Show the changelog between the current version and the latest one and exit (update will not be performed)
-r, --artifact-repository
: Alternative CLI repository url. e.g.
Gets the item details
-n, --name
: Item name
-d, --display-id
: The display ID of the item
-I, --item-id
: Item ID of the item
: Include all item versions in reply
: Output will include additional gateway details (e.g cluster URL)
: Output will include additional bastion details
: Include all associated services details
: In case of an item in a user's personal folder [regular/personal]
With only --name
specified, the command returns all details about the specified item except for its version.
When a version number is specified, the command returns all details about the specified item for the specified version.
When --show-versions
is specified, the command returns all details about the specified item including a full list of versions, their creation dates, and their encryption keys for any version for which a key other than the default was used.
Update item name and description
Secret versioning
No updates made with
can be saved as part of new versions, which means that these changes override existing data. If you wish to track these updates as part of secret versioning, first create a new version withupdate-version-val
. You can create a new version value using the same value for the current version if you don't want to actually change the value. Thereafter, runupdate-item
akeyless update-item --name <Item name> \
--new-name <New item name>
-n, --name
: Required, Current item name
: New item name
: Description of the object
: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. \nTo specify multiple tags use argument multiple times: --add-tag
Tag1 --add-tag
: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. \nTo specify multiple tags use argument multiple times: --rm-tag
Tag1 --rm-tag
: Enable/Disable secure remote access, "0-1": "\\(M
: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion
: Bastion's SSH control API endpoint. E.g. https://my.bastion:9900 \n(relevant only for ssh cert issuer)
: Bastion's SSH server. E.g. my.bastion:22 \n(relevant only for ssh cert issuer)
: SSH username to connect to target server, must be in 'Allowed Users' list (relevant only for ssh cert issuer)
: Use internal SSH Bastion
: Secret values contains SSH Credentials, either Private Key or Password em name\ "h-0": " (relevant only for Static-Secret or Rotated-secret)
: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag
: List of the new hosts that will be attached to SRA servers host. \nTo specify multiple tags use argument multiple times: --secure-access-add-host
host1 --secure-access-add-host
: List of the existent hosts that will be removed from SRA servers host. \nTo specify multiple tags use argument multiple times: --secure-access-rm-host
host1 --secure-access-rm-host
: Destination URL to inject secrets
: Secure browser via Akeyless Web Access Bastion
: Web-Proxy via Akeyless Web Access Bastion
: Required when the Dynamic Secret is used for a domain user \n(relevant only for RDP Dynamic-Secret)
: Override the RDP Domain username
: Required when the Dynamic Secret is used for a domain user \n(relevant only for RDP Dynamic-Secret)
: Override the RDP Domain username
: Allow providing external user for a domain users (Mandatory)\\
: The DB schema (relevant only for DB Dynamic-Secret)
: "The DB name (relevant only for DB Dynamic-Secret)
: The AWS account id (relevant only for AWS Dynamic-Secret)
: The AWS region (relevant only for AWS Dynamic-Secret)
: The AWS native cli (relevant only for AWS Dynamic-Secret)
: The K8s cluster endpoint URL \n(relevant only for EKS/GKE/K8s Dynamic-Secret)
: The K8s dashboard url (relevant only for K8s Dynamic-Secret)
: Enable Port forwarding while using CLI access \n(relevant only for EKS/GKE/K8s Dynamic-Secret)
: Rotate the value of the secret after SRA session ends (Mandatory)\\ Curre \n(relevant only for Rotated-secret on SRA)
: Protection from accidental deletion of this item
: Trigger an event when a secret value changed [true/false] (Relevant only for Static Secret)
-c, --cert-file-path
: Path to a file that contain the certificate in a PEM format. \nUsed for updating RSA keys' certificates
: PEM Certificate in a Base64 format. Used for updating RSA keys' certificates.
: The format of the returned certificate [pem
--accessibility \"data\":
In case of an item in a user's personal folder
Set Dynamic Secret item's state (Enabled, Disabled)
akeyless set-item-state --name <Current item name> \
--desired-state <Desired item state [Enabled, Disabled]>
-n, --name
: Required, Current item name
-s, --desired-state
: Required, Desired item state
Get all tags of selected item
akeyless get-tags --name <Item Name>
-n, --name
: Required, The item name
Updates account settings.
Note: The operation is allowed only for admin user
: Update Company Name of account
: Update Phone number of account
: Update Address of account
: Update City of account
: Update Country of account
: Update Postal Code of account
: default jwt ttl for auth method authentication (in minutes)
: minimum allowed jwt ttl for auth method authentication (in minutes)
: maximum allowed jwt ttl for auth method authentication (in minutes)
: Maximum versions of a given item-type, valid range [1
, 300
]. When item version exceeds this number, the oldest versions will be deleted
: Associated with max-versions
: If set to true, new item version will be created on each update
: If set to true, new version will be created on update
: Set to update protection with classic keys state meter
: Set to update the default ttl in minutes for sharing item, number between 60 min to 30 days (43200
: "13-1": "Password length between 5 - to 50 characters
: Password must contain capital letters
: Password must contain lower case letters
: Password must contain numbers
: Password must contain special characters
: Set to update the default behaviour of new items creations deletion protection attribute [true/false]
: Set the account default key based on the DFC key item name. Use "set-original-akeyless-default-key" to revert to using the original default key of the account. Empty string will change nothing
: Characters that cannot be used for items/targets/roles/auths/event_forwarder names
: Lock the account's default protection key, if set - users will not be able to use a different protection key, relevant only if default-key-name is configured [true/false]
: Enable event for objects that have not been used or changed [true/false]
: Usage event is supported for auth method or secrets-and-keys [auth/item]
: Interval by days for unused objects. Default and minimum interval is 90 days
: Set a maximum ttl for dynamic secrets [true/false]
: Set the maximum ttl for dynamic secrets
: Set a maximum rotation interval for rotated secrets auto rotation settings [true/false]
: Set the maximum rotation interval for rotated secrets auto rotation settings
: A default list of comma-separated CIDR block that are allowed to authenticate
: Lock bound-ips setting globally in the account
: A default list of comma-separated CIDR block that acts as a trusted Gateway entity
: Lock bound-ips setting globally in the account
: Enable password expiration policy [true
: Specifies the number of days that a password is valid before it must be changed. A default value of 90 days is used
: Specifies the number of days before a user receives notification that their password will expire. A default value of 14 days is used
Get the settings of the account
Delete an item or an item version
akeyless delete-item -n <Item name>
-n, --name
: Required, Item name
: The specific version you want to delete - 0=last version, -1=entire item with all versions (default)
--delete-in-days "day
: The number of days to wait before deleting the item (relevant for keys only)
: When delete-in-days=-1, must be set
: In case of an item in a user's personal folder [regular/personal]
Deletes multiple items from a given path
akeyless delete-items -p <Path\do\delete\items>
-p, --path
: Required, Path to delete the items from
List of all accessible items
-t, --type
: The item types list of the requested items. In case it is empty, all types of items will be returned, options: [key, static-secret, dynamic-secret, rotated-secret, ssh-cert-issuer, pki-cert-issuer, classic-key]
: Optional the items sub types
: Filter by item name or part of it
: Filter by item tag
: Filter by items with SRA functionality enabled
: Path to folder
: Next page reference
: Retrieve all items using pagination, when disabled retrieving only first 1000 items
: Show only basic information of the items
: In case of an item in a user's personal folder, options: [regular/personal]
List of all Secure Remote Access (SRA) Bastions in the account
: Filter the response to show only bastions allowed URLs
Moves/Renames objects
akeyless move-objects --source <Source path to move the objects from> \
--target <Target path to move the objects to> \
--objects-type <The objects type to move (item/auth_method/role)>
-s, --source
: Required, Source path to move the objects from
--t, --target
: Required, Target path to move the objects to
-o, --objects-type[=item]
: The objects type to move (item/auth_method/role)
Configure client profile
akeyless configure
: The profile name to be configure
: Access ID
: Access Key
: Access Type, options: (access_key/password/azure_ad/saml/oidc/aws_iam/gcp/k8s)
: Password (relevant only for access-type=password)
: Email (relevant only for access-type=password)
: OIDC Service Provider (relevant only for access-type=oidc, inferred if empty), supported SPs: google, github
: Azure Active Directory ObjectId \n(relevant only for access-type=azure_ad)
: GCP audience to use in signed JWT \n(relevant only for access-type=gcp)
: Gateway URL for the K8S authenticated \n(relevant only for access-type=k8s)
: The K8S Auth config name \n(relevant only for access-type=k8s)
: An optional path to a projected service account token inside the pod, for use instead of the default service account token (relevant only for access-type=k8s)
: Name of the certificate file to use \n(relevant only for access-type=cert)
: Certificate data encoded in base64. Used if file was not provided. (relevant only for access-type=cert in Curl Context)
: Name of the private key file to use \n(relevant only for access-type=cert)
: Private key data encoded in base64. Used if file was not provided (relevant only for access-type=cert in Curl Context)
Remove configuration of client profile
akeyless unconfigure --profile <Profile name>
Updated 5 months ago