GitLab Plugin

GitLab is a web-based DevOps lifecycle tool that provides a Git-repository manager including a wiki, issue-tracking, and continuous integration and deployment pipeline features.

The Akeyless plugin for GitLab enables a secure, easy, and integrative way to fetch Secrets into GitLab pipelines.


Each job has a JSON Web Token (JWT) provided as CI/CD variable named CI_JOB_JWT_V2 or ID_TOKENon version 16 and higher.

When a pipeline is about to run, GitLab uses the job token and generates a unique token for it.



GitLab v16 and higher - CI_JOB_JWT_V2 is replaced by ID tokens which are the JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) that can be added to a GitLab CI/CD job. For more details please find the relevant config file below.

The token is valid only while the pipeline job runs. After the job finishes, you can’t use the token anymore.

To work with the Akeyless GitLab plugin, we will use an OAuth 2.0 / JWT Authentication Method

OAuth 2.0 / JWT

In Akeyless Platform, create a new OAuth 2.0 / JWT Authentication Method with the following parameters:

akeyless create-auth-method-oauth2 --name /Dev/GitLabAuth \ 
--jwks-uri \
--unique-identifier user_login


  • --jwks-uri - The URL to the JWKS that contains the public keys that should be used for JWT verification.

  • --unique-identifier - A unique claim name that contains details uniquely identifying the request. In the following example, we will use the GitLab user_login claim.

  • --force-sub-claims - Enforce Sub-Claims on role association.

Create a dedicated Access Role, please note that you will assign it the necessary permissions in a later stage of this guide:

akeyless create-role --name /Dev/GitLabRole 

Associate your new Role with the created Authentication Method, and assign it Sub Claims:

akeyless assoc-role-am --role-name /Dev/GitLabRole \ 
--am-name /Dev/GitLabAuth \ 
--sub-claims user_login=<YOUR GitLab USERNAME>



Sub Claims - It is mandatory to add an appropriate Sub Claim based on the claims available in the GitLab documentation to prevent access of unauthorized users.

Set Read and List permissions for Items:

akeyless set-role-rule --role-name /Dev/GitLabRole \ 
--path /Path/To/your/secret/'*' \
--capability read --capability list


Open your GitLab project and make sure you have a yaml file named .gitlab-ci.yml and update it to contain the following steps while making sure that the path to the relevant secrets, as well as the access-id value with your matching JWT access-id, was replaced.

If you are working with your own Akeyless Gateway, set the environment variable AKEYLESS_GATEWAY_URL to point your Gateway Rest API endpoint e.g. <https://Your_GW_URL:8000/api/v1> (or using your gateway URL at port 8081).



GitLab Versions and Tokens - GitLab v15 and above, supports CI_JOB_JWT_V2, for older versions you can use the legacy environment CI_JOB_JWT instead.

In GitLab v16 and above, CI_JOB_JWT_V2 is replaced by ID tokens.

The image is akeyless/ci_base which is a public docker image based on ruby:2.4 that contains the Akeyless CLI as well as other essential components.

  ACCESS_ID: <access_id>

    name:  akeyless/ci_base:latest-alpine
    - export MY_SECRET=akeyless://path/to/secret # Static / Dynamic secret
    - export TOKEN=$(akeyless auth --access-id $ACCESS_ID --access-type jwt --jwt $CI_JOB_JWT_V2) 
    - source ~/.akeyless/
    - echo "Fetching Secrets is Easy [$MY_SECRET]"
  ACCESS_ID: <access-id>

    name:  akeyless/ci_base:latest-alpine
    - export MY_SECRET=akeyless://gitlab/mySecret
    - export TOKEN=$(akeyless auth --access-id $ACCESS_ID --access-type jwt --jwt $FIRST_ID_TOKEN)
    - source ~/.akeyless/
    - echo "Fetching Secrets is Easy [$MY_SECRET]"

Sample output of a successful job:

Success! - the secrets are accessible to use within the job logic (in this example, they are just being printed).


Check out our tutorial video on Managing Secrets in GitLab Pipelines.

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