Advanced K8s Configuration

Cluster Name & URL

Each Gateway cluster is uniquely identified by combining the Gateway Access ID Authentication Method and the Cluster Name.

It means that changing the Gateway Access ID or the Cluster Name of your Gateway will create an entirely new Gateway cluster, and it will not retrieve the settings and data from the previous Gateway cluster.

That’s why we recommend setting up a meaningful Cluster Name for your Gateway cluster from the very beginning. By default, your cluster name is defaultCluster.

To do that, you can set the clusterName="meaningful-cluster-name" field as part of the Gateway deployment.

In addition, to set in advance the Cluster URL, you can set the CLUSTER_URL under the env section as an environment variable.

You can also provide a custom display name for the Gateway Instance using the initialClusterDisplayName variable, which is arbitrary. This name can be changed in the Akeyless Console after the Gateway is installed.

clusterName: <meaningful-cluster-name>

  - name: CLUSTER_URL
    value: 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>'

Encryption Key

To choose an existing Encryption Key to encrypt your Gateway configuration, you can provide the full path to your key using the following setting configProtectionKeyName.

By default, the Gateway configuration is encrypted with your account's default encryption key.



This key can be determined on cluster deployment only, and cannot be modified afterward.

Customer fragment

If your Encryption Key works with Zero Knowledge, create a K8s Secret with a base64-encoded JSON that includes your Customer Fragment.

kubectl create secret generic customer-fragment \
kubectl create secret generic customer-fragment \

Add the secret to the values.yaml file:

customerFragmentsExistingSecret: customer-fragment

TLS Configuration

We strongly recommend using Akeyless Gateway with TLS to ensure all traffic is encrypted at transit.
Please note that when you're enabling TLS, you must provide a TLS certificate and a corresponding TLS Private Key.

To set the TLS settings, create a K8s Secret includes your TLS certificate in base64 encoded format where the key of the secret has to be tls-certificate:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tls-certificate
type: Opaque
  tlsCertificate: <base64-encoded-tls-certificate.pem>
  tlsPrivateKey: <base64-encoded-tls-certificate-key.pem>
kubectl create secret generic tls-certificate \
  --from-file=tlsCertificate=/path/to/certificate.pem \
  --from-file=tlsPrivateKey=/path/to/private-key.pem \

Enable TLS:

  enabled: true
  minimumTlsVersion: <TLSv1/TLSv1.1/TLSv1.2/TLSv1.3>
  tlsExistingSecretName: tls-certificate 

Alternatively, you can also configure TLS settings using the web interface of the Gateway Configuration Manager.

Cache Configuration

You can enable caching of secrets and periodic backup of cached secrets, It is also possible to configure caching in the Gateway Configuration Manager after the Gateway is installed.

To set an internal TLS between the Gateway and cache service set the enableTls: true option:

    enableTls: false

Alternatively, you can configure the cache using the Gateway Configuration Manager.

To set the cache on your gateway with a default encryption key to support full offline mode, create a K8s Secret that includes your cluster-cache-encryption-key base64 encoded :

kubectl create secret generic cache-configuration \

And add to the values.yaml file the K8s secret name:

    encryptionKeyExistingSecret: <K8s Secret Name>
    enableTls: false

Working With K8s Secrets

To provide the settings of your Gateway deployment directly from your local k8s secrets store, you can set the following settings:

  • gateway-access-key
  • gateway-uid-init-token
  • allowed-access-permissions
  • tlsCertificate
  • gateway-certificate
  • gateway-certificate-key
  • customer-fragments



Providing any of those settings using an existing K8s secret, make sure that the corresponding parameters are left empty in your values.yaml file.


Fixed Artifact Repository

In some environments where an IP address must be whitelisted, to pull Akeyless official artifacts as part of your Gateway deployment, uncomment the fixedArtifactRepository: "" setting in your chart:

  repository: akeyless/base
  pullPolicy: Always
  tag: latest
fixedArtifactRepository: ""

You can explicitly provide the k8s secret name that contains the credentials for the private registry if needed using the imagePullSecrets setting:

  repository: akeyless/base
  pullPolicy: Always
  tag: latest
  - name: regcred
fixedArtifactRepository: ""

Rate Limit

To set a local rate limit on your Gateway instance you can add the GW_RATE_LIMIT environment variable where the value will set the maximum calls per minute. When a client reaches that threshold, this will be logged and any additional requests during that minute will be discarded on the Gateway:

  - name: GW_RATE_LIMIT
    value: 4000

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