Setting Up Universal Identity for Windows Machines

To use Universal Identity tokens for a Windows machine, you need to set up the machine to accept and renew tokens (through the use of PowerShell and Task Scheduler).



  1. On the Windows machine, create the following PowerShell script, where you can replace the$HOME (wherever it appears in the script) with the home directory of the user who is going to use this token to authenticate.
    Save the script as akeyless_universal_identity.ps1.



If the gwURL parameter is not set to https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000/api/v1>, it will default to

Create the PowerShell script:

 # akeyless_universal_identity.ps1

    $uidToken = "",

    $gwURL = "",


if(Test-Path alias:curl) {
	Remove-item alias:curl

if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($gwURL)) {
    $proxy_url = ""
} else {
    $proxy_url = $gwURL

if($Init -eq $true) {
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($uidToken)) {
        $uidToken = Read-Host -Prompt "Universal ID Token"
    $sched_task_name = "akeyless_universal_identity_rotator"
    $token_file      = "$HOME\.vault-token" # replace $HOME with user's home directory

    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072

    Write-Host "Starter token received [$uidToken]"

    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($uidToken)) {
        Write-Host "Error! empty u-token"
    } else {
	$uidToken | Out-File $token_file -NoNewline
        $script_name = "akeyless_universal_identity.ps1"
        $script_path = "$(Get-Item -Path ".\")\${script_name}"
        $task_to_run = "powershell -noninteractive -File '${script_path}'"

        if (schtasks /query | Select-String $sched_task_name -Quiet) # if sched_task already running, delete it first
            schtasks /delete /tn $sched_task_name /f
        # run sched task every 10 minutes
        schtasks /create /sc MINUTE /tn $sched_task_name /tr $task_to_run /it /mo 10
        #schtasks /create /sc MINUTE /tn $sched_task_name /tr $task_to_run /ru "SYSTEM" /mo 10

        Write-Host "AKEYLESS Universal Identity successfully initiated"
else {
    $base_dir="$HOME" # replace with user's home directory

    if (!([System.IO.File]::Exists($token_file))) {
        Write-Host "Error! token file [$token_file] wasn't found"
        exit 1

    $cur_token=Get-Content -Path $token_file

    if(Test-Path alias:curl) {
        Remove-item alias:curl # to avoid conflict with CmdLet Invoke-WebRequest
    $cur_token = $cur_token.replace('+','%2b')
    $res = (curl -s $proxy_url -d "cmd=uid-rotate-token&&uid-token=$cur_token" | Select-String 'ROTATED TOKEN:' | Out-String).Trim()
    if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($res)) {
        Write-Host "Error! empty response"
    } else {
	$uidToken = ($res.Split(" ")[2]).replace('[','').replace(']"','')
    	Write-Host "NEW TOKEN: [$uidToken]"
    	if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($uidToken)) {
        	Write-Host "Error! empty u-token"
    	} else {
        	$uidToken | Out-File $token_file -NoNewline
  1. Open PowerShell, and run the script using the following command, where you will be requested to insert your initial Universal ID token which you should first generate from the Akeyless UID Auth Method you've already created:
./akeyless_universal_identity.ps1 -Init



The script also auto-creates the task-scheduler job, which will rotate your u-token every 10 minutes

  1. Open Task Scheduler, and modify the settings of the newly created task (akeyless_universal_identity_rotator) to use the following options:
  1. Confirm the newly created $HOME\.vault-token file should start refreshing with a new u-token every 10 minutes.

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