PowerShell Usage

Akeyless Platform natively supports multiple scripting languages, the following examples demonstrate how to fetch secrets from Akeyless via PowerShell script


The following example demonstrates fetching dynamic secret:

$AuthBody = @{
    "access-id" = "<Access Id>"
    "access-key" = "<Access Key>"
    "access-type" = "access_key"
$AuthParameters = @{
    Method = "POST"
    Uri =  "https://api.akeyless.io/auth"
    Body = ($AuthBody | ConvertTo-Json) 
    ContentType = "application/json"
$token = (Invoke-RestMethod @AuthParameters).token
Write-Host "NEW TOKEN: [$token]"
$SecretBody = @{
    "name" = "/Full/Path/To/Secret"
    "token" = "$token"
$SecretParameters = @{
    Method = "POST"
    Uri =  "https://api.akeyless.io/get-dynamic-secret-value"
    Body = ($SecretBody | ConvertTo-Json) 
    ContentType = "application/json"
Invoke-RestMethod @SecretParameters

Make sure to set your Access Id and Access Key in the relevant places. The received token should be provided for every request that requires authentication.

The following example demonstrates fetching static secret:

$AuthBody = @{
    "access-id" = "<Access Id>"
    "access-key" = "<Access Key>"
    "access-type" = "access_key"
$AuthParameters = @{
    Method = "POST"
    Uri =  "https://api.akeyless.io/auth"
    Body = ($AuthBody | ConvertTo-Json) 
    ContentType = "application/json"
$token = (Invoke-RestMethod @AuthParameters).token
Write-Host "NEW TOKEN: [$token]"
$SecretBody = @{
    "names" = @("mySecret")
    "token" = "$token"
$SecretParameters = @{
    Method = "POST"
    Uri =  "https://api.akeyless.io/get-secret-value"
    Body = ($SecretBody | ConvertTo-Json) 
    ContentType = "application/json"
Invoke-RestMethod @SecretParameters

Make sure to set your Access Id and Access Key in the relevant places. The received token should be provided for every request that requires authentication.

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