CLI Reference - Rotated Secrets

This section outlines the CLI commands relevant to Rotated Secrets.

Rotated secrets enable you to protect the credentials for privileged-user accounts such as an Administrator account on a Windows server, a root account on a Linux server, or an Admin account on a network device, by resetting its password.

General Flags:

--profile, --token: Use a specific profile (located at $HOME/.akeyless/profiles) or a temp access token

--uid-token: The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication

-h, --help: Display help information

--json[=false]: Set output format to JSON

--jq-expression: JQ expression to filter result output

--no-creds-cleanup[=false]: Do not clean local temporary expired creds


akeyless rotated-secret create

Commands to create a Rotated Secret


aws: Creates new aws rotated secret item

azure: Creates new azure rotated secret item

cassandra: Creates new cassandra rotated secret item

custom: Creates new custom rotated secret item

dockerhub: Creates new dockerhub rotated secret item

gcp: Creates new gcp rotated secret item.

hanadb: Creates new hanadb rotated secret item

ldap: Creates new ldap rotated secret item

mongodb: Creates new mongodb rotated secret item

mssql: Creates new mssql rotated secret item

mysql: Creates new mysql rotated secret item

oracledb: Creates new oracledb rotated secret item

postgresql: Creates new postgresql rotated secret item

redis: Creates new redis rotated secret item

redshift: Creates new redshift rotated secret item

snowflake: Creates new snowflake rotated secret item

ssh: Creates new ssh rotated secret item

windows: Creates new windows rotated secret item


Creates new AWS rotated secret item

akeyless rotated-secret create aws \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/api-key> 

-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/api-key]

--api-id: API ID to rotate (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key)

--api-key: API key to rotate (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--max-versions: Set the maximum number of versions, limited by the account settings defaults.

--grace-rotation: Create a new access key without deleting the old key from AWS for backup (relevant only for AWS) [true/false]

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--secure-access-aws-account-id: The AWS account id

--aws-region[=us-east-2]: AWS region

--secure-access-aws-native-cli: The AWS native cli

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new azure rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create azure \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target|api-key|azure-storage-account|password> 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/api-key/azure-storage-account/password]

--app-id: ID of the Azure app that holds the secret to be rotated (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key & authentication-credentials=use-target-creds)

--api-id: API ID to rotate (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key)

--api-key: API key to rotate (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key)

--storage-account-key-name: The name of the storage account key to rotate [key1/key2/kerb1/kerb2] (relevat to azure-storage-account)

--username: The user principal name to rotate his password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--max-verisons: Set the maximum number of versions, limited by the account settings defaults

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new cassandra rotated secret item


 akeyless rotated-secret create cassandra \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password> 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new custom rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create custom \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--custom-payload: Secret payload to be sent with rotation request

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--max-versions: Set the maximum number of versions, limited by the account settings defaults

--timeout-sec[=40]: Maximum allowed timeout in seconds for the custom rotator to return the results

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-web-browsing[=false]: Secure browser via Akeyless Web Access Bastion

--secure-access-web-proxy[=false]: Web-Proxy via Akeyless Web Access Bastion

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-rdp-domain: Required when the Dynamic Secret is used for a domain user

--secure-access-rdp-user: Override the RDP Domain username

--secure-access-allow-external-user[=false]: Allow providing external user for a domain users

--secure-access-url: Destination URL to inject secrets

--secure-access-ssh-user: Override the SSH username as indicated in SSH Certificate Issuer

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new dockerhub rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create dockerhub \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2


Creates new gcp rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create gcp \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/service-account-rotator>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/service-account-rotator]

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

--gcp-key-file-path: Path to file with the service account private key

--gcp-key: Base64-encoded service account private key text

--gcp-service-account-email: The email of the GCP service account to rotate (relevant only when rotator-type=servcie-account-rotator)

--gcp-service-account-key-id: The key id of the GCP service account to rotate (relevant only when rotator-type=servcie-account-rotator)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--max-versions: Set the maximum number of versions, limited by the account settings defaults

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new hanadb rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create hanadb \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new ldap rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create ldap \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/ldap>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/ldap]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=ldap)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=ldap)

--user-dn: Base DN to Perform User Search

--user-attribute: LDAP User Attribute, Default value cn

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--grace-rotation: Create a new access key without deleting the old key from AWS for backup (relevant only for AWS) [true/false]

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-rdp-domain: Required when the Dynamic Secret is used for a domain user

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-url: Destination URL to inject secrets

--host-provider[=explicit]: Host provider type [explicit/target], Relevant only for Secure Remote Access of ssh cert issuer and ldap rotated secret

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--target: A list of linked targets to be associated, Relevant only for Secure Remote Access for ssh cert issuer and ldap rotated secret, To specify multiple targets use argument multiple times

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new mongodb rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create mongodb \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new mssql rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create mssql \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--secure-access-db-schema: The DB scheme

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new mysql rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create mysql \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new oracledb rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create oracledb \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new postgresql rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create postgresql \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--secure-access-db-schema: The DB scheme

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new redis rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create redis \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2\

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new redshift rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create redshift \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2\

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new snowflake rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create snowflake \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2\

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new ssh rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create ssh \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--same-password: Rotate the same password for each host from the Linked Target (relevant only for Linked Target)

--rotator-custom-cmd: Custom rotation command

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-rdp-domain: Required when the Dynamic Secret is used for a domain user

--secure-access-rdp-user: Override the RDP Domain username

--secure-access-allow-external-user[=false]: Allow providing external user for a domain users

--secure-access-ssh-user: Override the SSH username as indicated in SSH Certificate Issuer

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2\

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Creates new windows rotated secret item


akeyless rotated-secret create windows \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--target-name: Required, the target name to associate

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/password]

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--same-password: Rotate the same password for each host from the Linked Target (relevant only for Linked Target)

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-rdp-domain: Required when the Dynamic Secret is used for a domain user

--secure-access-rdp-user: Override the RDP Domain username

--secure-access-allow-external-user[=false]: Allow providing external user for a domain user

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


akeyless rotated-secret-update

Commands to update a Rotated Secret


aws: Updates new aws rotated secret item

azure: Updates new azure rotated secret item

cassandra: Updates new cassandra rotated secret item

custom: Updates new custom rotated secret item

dockerhub: Updates new dockerhub rotated secret item

gcp: Updates new gcp rotated secret item.

hanadb: Updates new hanadb rotated secret item

ldap: Updates new ldap rotated secret item

mongodb: Updates new mongodb rotated secret item

mssql: Updates new mssql rotated secret item

mysql: Updates new mysql rotated secret item

oracledb: Updates new oracledb rotated secret item

postgresql: Updates new postgresql rotated secret item

redis: Updates new redis rotated secret item

redshift: Updates new redshift rotated secret item

snowflake: Updates new snowflake rotated secret item

ssh: Updates new ssh rotated secret item

windows: Updates new windows rotated secret item

Updates AWS rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update aws \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--new-name <New Item name>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New item name

--api-id: API ID to rotate (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key)

--api-key: API key to rotate (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--max-versions: Set the maximum number of versions, limited by the account settings defaults

--grace-rotation: Create a new access key without deleting the old key from AWS for backup (relevant only for AWS) [true/false]

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--secure-access-aws-account-id: The AWS account id

--aws-region[=us-east-2]: AWS region

--secure-access-aws-native-cli: The AWS native cli

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates Azure rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update azure \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--app-id: ID of the Azure app that hold the secret to be rotated (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key & authentication-credentials=use-target-creds)

--api-id: API ID to rotate (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key)

--api-key: API key to rotate (relevant only for rotator-type=api-key)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

--storage-account-key-name: The name of the storage account key to rotate [key1/key2/kerb1/kerb2] (relevat to azure-storage-account)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--max-versions: Set the maximum number of versions, limited by the account settings defaults

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates cassandra rotated secret


 akeyless rotated-secret update cassandra \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New-Item name>
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates custom rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update custom \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--custom-payload: Secret payload to be sent with rotation request

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--max-versions: Set the maximum number of versions, limited by the account settings defaults

--timeout-sec[=40]: Maximum allowed timeout in seconds for the custom rotator to return the results

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-web-browsing[=false]: Secure browser via Akeyless Web Access Bastion

--secure-access-web-proxy[=false]: Web-Proxy via Akeyless Web Access Bastion

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-rdp-domain: Required when the Dynamic Secret is used for a domain user

--secure-access-rdp-user: Override the RDP Domain username

--secure-access-allow-external-user[=false]: Allow providing external user for a domain users

--secure-access-url: Destination URL to inject secrets

--secure-access-ssh-user: Override the SSH username as indicated in SSH Certificate Issuer

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates custom rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update dockerhub \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

Updates custom rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update gcp \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotator-type: Required, The rotator type. options: [target/service-account-rotator]

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

--gcp-key-file-path: Path to file with the service account private key

--gcp-key: Base64-encoded service account private key text

--gcp-service-account-email: The email of the GCP service account to rotate (relevant only when rotator-type=servcie-account-rotator)

--gcp-service-account-key-id: The key id of the GCP service account to rotate (relevant only when rotator-type=servcie-account-rotator)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--max-versions: Set the maximum number of versions, limited by the account settings defaults

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates hanadb rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update hanadb \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates ldap rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update ldap \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=ldap)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=ldap)

--user-dn: Base DN to Perform User Search

--user-attribute: LDAP User Attribute, Default value cn

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--grace-rotation: Create a new access key without deleting the old key from AWS for backup (relevant only for AWS) [true/false]

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-rdp-domain: Required when the Dynamic Secret is used for a domain user

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-url: Destination URL to inject secrets

--host-provider[=explicit]: Host provider type [explicit/target], Relevant only for Secure Remote Access of ssh cert issuer and ldap rotated secret

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--target: A list of linked targets to be associated, Relevant only for Secure Remote Access for ssh cert issuer and ldap rotated secret, To specify multiple targets use argument multiple times

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates mongodb rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update mongodb \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates mssql rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update  mssql \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates mysql rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update mysql \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates oracledb rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update oracledb \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

-t, --tag: Add tags attached to this object. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --tag Tag1 -t Tag2

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates postgresql rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update postgresql \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

--secure-access-web[=false]: Enable Web Secure Remote Access

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--secure-access-db-schema: The DB scheme

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates redis rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update redis \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates redshift rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update redshift \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-db-name: The DB name (relevant only for DB)

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates snowflake rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update snowflake \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--target-name <Target Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' \
--rotator-type <target/password>


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates ssh rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update ssh \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--same-password: Rotate the same password for each host from the Linked Target (relevant only for Linked Target)

--rotator-custom-cmd: Custom rotation command

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-bastion-issuer: Path to the SSH Certificate Issuer for your Akeyless Bastion

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-rdp-domain: Required when the Dynamic Secret is used for a domain user

--secure-access-rdp-user: Override the RDP Domain username

--secure-access-allow-external-user[=false]: Allow providing external user for a domain users

--secure-access-ssh-user: Override the SSH username as indicated in SSH Certificate Issuer

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]

Updates windows rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret update windows \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--new-name <New Item name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>' 


-n, --name: Required, Rotated Secret name

--new-name: New Item name

--rotated-username: Username to be rotated, if selected use-self-creds at rotator-creds-type, this username will try to rotate its password, if use-target-creds is selected, target credentials will be used to rotate the rotated password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

--rotated-password: Rotated-username password (relevant only for rotator-type=password)

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

-k, --key: The name of a key that is used to encrypt the secret value (if empty, the account default protection key will be used)

--auto-rotate: Whether to automatically rotate every --rotation-interval days, or disable existing automatic rotation

--rotation-interval: The number of days to wait between every automatic rotation (1-365), custom rotator interval will be set in minutes

--rotation-hour: The Hour of the rotation in UTC

--rotation-event-in: How many days before auto rotation of the item would you like to be notified. To specify multiple events, use argument multiple times: --rotation-event-in 1 --rotation-event-in 5

--authentication-credentials[=use-user-creds]: The credentials to connect with use-user-creds/use-target-creds

--password-length: The length of the password to be generated

--same-password: Rotate the same password for each host from the Linked Target (relevant only for Linked Target)

--secure-access-enable: Enable/Disable secure remote access, [true/false]

--rotate-after-disconnect[=false]: Rotate the value of the secret after the SRA session ends [true/false]

--secure-access-host: Target servers for connections, For multiple values repeat this flag. (In case of Linked Target association, host(s) will inherit Linked Target hosts - Relevant only for Dynamic Secrets/producers)

--secure-access-rdp-domain: Required when the Dynamic Secret is used for a domain user

--secure-access-rdp-user: Override the RDP Domain username

--secure-access-allow-external-user[=false]: Allow providing external user for a domain user

--add-tag: List of the new tags that will be attached to this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --add-tag Tag1 --add-tag Tag2

--rm-tag: List of the existent tags that will be removed from this item. To specify multiple tags use the argument multiple times: --rm-tag Tag1 --rm-tag Tag2

--keep-prev-version: Whether to keep the previous version, options:[true, false]. If not set, use default according to account settings

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this item, [true/false]


Get rotated secret value


akeyless rotated-secret get-value \
--name <Rotated Secret name> \
--version <Rotated Secret version> \


--host: Get rotated secret value of specific Host (relevant only for Linked Target)

--ignore-cache[=false]: Retrieve the Secret value without checking the Gateway's cache [true/false]. This flag is only relevant when using the RestAPI



akeyless rotated-secret list \
--gateway-url <API Gateway URL:8000> 


Sync rotated secret


akeyless rotated-secret sync \
--name <Rotated Secret Name> \
--usc-name <USC Name> \
--remote-secret-name <Remote secret Name> \
--namespace <Namespace Name> \
--gateway-url 'https://<Your-Akeyless-GW-URL:8000>'


--name: The Rotated Secret name.

--usc-name: The name of the Universal Secret Connector.

--remote-secret-name: Remote Secret name that will be created on the remote endpoint.

--namespace: Namespace name, Relevant only for Hashicorp Vault target.

--gateway-url: Akeyless Gateway Configuration Manager URL (port 8000).

Footer Section