Akeyless Connect

Akeyless connect provides you with secure CLI access to resources or a secure tunnel from any UNIX terminal.


To use Akeyless Connect you need:



Starting from Windows 10, Microsoft supports the native feature "Windows Subsystem for Linux."
This feature enables users to utilize their Windows OS environment as a UNIX-like system.

To work with the akeyless-connect command from a Windows machine, place the .akeyless-connect.rc script in your home directory.

Set Up Akeyless Connect

Install the latest version of Akeyless Command Line Interface (CLI). Or run akeyless update to ensure you're using the latest version.

Optional: Download the akeyless-connect.rc file from here and open it in your preferred file editor. This file can be used to hold default variables, shortening your connect command. It can also be helpful for customizing information to your needs. If you prefer to get started without this, go straight to the Usage section below.


RC file location

Note that the akeyless-connect.rc file must be placed in your local $HOME directory to work properly.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright © 2019-2023  Akeyless Security LTD.
# All rights reserved
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# This file is a user-specific configuration file for `akeyless connect` CLI command, part of Akeyless Secure Remote Access
# This file should be located under the user's home directory, named explicitly: .akeyless-connect.rc

# IDENTITY_FILE - the path to the ssh-key to be signed and used for Zero Trust session (if empty, default ssh-key is used)

# CERT_ISSUER_NAME - full path to the Akeyless SSH Cert Issuer to use for Zero Trust session

# AKEYLESS_PROFILE - Akeyless CLI profile to be used

# Akeyless CLI binary (if needed)

# AKEYLESS_GW_SSH_URL - URL for Akeyless GW SSH service

# AKEYLESS_GW_REST_API - URL for Akeyless API Gateway (RestAPI)

# Following are used for control service, to configure the temporary session:

# Allow caching of temp session creds

# Display connection stages

# Use SSH Agent to store user's identity keys.



# Path to SSH executable. e.g. /usr/bin/ssh

Edit the settings as follows:

IDENTITY_FILE - Default is ~/.ssh/id_rsa. Full path to the private key to be signed and used for the Zero Trust session.

CERT_ISSUER_NAME - Full path to the Akeyless SSH Certificates Issuer item.

AKEYLESS_PROFILE - Set the default profile that will be used from your Akeyless Command Line Interface (CLI). By default, it's using the default profile of your Akeyless CLI.

AKEYLESS_CLI - Akeyless CLI binary (if needed).

AKEYLESS_GW_SSH_URL - Set your Akeyless Gateway URL for the SSH service on port 8000. The K8s service name will start with ssh-.

AKEYLESS_GW_REST_API - Set your Akeyless Gateway URL on port 8080 for Zero-Knowledge items and for internal network access.

BASTION_API_PROTO - Default is http. Set to https when your Remote Access is configured with TLS.

BASTION_API_PORT - Default is set to 9900. Set your matching ssh-sra cluster service port.

BASTION_SSH_PORT - Default is set to 22. Set your matching ssh-sra cluster service port.

Optional: When working with Application Load Balancers, you can set the exact path of your ssh-sra service, which listens to the bastion api control port:

BASTION_API_PREFIX - Set your path prefix as your load balancer settings.

BASTION_API_PATH - Set your path as your load balancer settings.

Where the URL will be set as follows:


SSH_EXTRA_ARGS - Add any official SSH arguments.

USE_SSH_LEGACY_ALG- Specifies whether to use ssh-legacy-signing-algorithm. The default is No


Use the akeyless connect command to connect to a resource through the Gateway's Remote Access (more examples below). If you are using the akeyless-connect.rc file with a CERT_ISSUER_NAME, you don't need to add the -c <cert-issuer-name> flag in the command:

akeyless connect -t <[user@]target/hostname/ip[:port]> -g <your-gateway-ip[:port]> -c <cert-issuer-name>


Legacy SRA Deployments

For legacy deployments, users will still run:

akeyless connect -t <[user@]target/hostname/ip[:port]> -v <your-gateway-ip[:port]> -c <cert-issuer-name>

Full options list:

-t, --target                           Target resource, example formats: user@ssh-server[:port], us-east-2, mysql-server:3306, etc.
-v, --via-bastion                      Bastion host, which the connection will go through. e.g.: bastion-host:port.
-g, --gateway-url                      The Gateway URL (configuration management) address of the ssh service, e.g. http://localhost:8000
-c, --cert-issuer-name                 Akeyless Certificate Issuer Name. If not specified will be taken from ~/.akeyless-connect.rc 
-i, --identity-file                    Selects a file from which the identity (private key) for public key authentication is read.  The default is ~/.ssh/id_dsa, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.
-n, --name                             Path to Secret, based on the required connection
    --ssh-extra-args                   Additional SSH arguments (except -i)
    --bastion-ctrl-proto[=http]        Bastion API Protocol [http/https]
    --bastion-ctrl-subdomain           Bastion control API URL prefix. e.g. https://<prefix>.bastion-host
    --bastion-ctrl-path                Bastion control API path. e.g. https://bastion-host/<path>
    --bastion-ctrl-port[=9900]         Bastion control API port. e.g. https://bastion-host:<7777>
    --gateway-rest-endpoint            Gateway RestAPI URL. e.g. https://rest.akeyless.io
-V, --ssh-version                      Output local SSH client version
    --ssh-legacy-signing-alg[=false]   Set this option to output legacy ('[email protected]') signing algorithm name in the ssh certificate.
    --use-ssh-agent										 Enable ssh-agent
    --ssh-command                      Path to SSH executable. e.g. /usr/bin/ssh
-T, --tunnel                           SSH tunnel param. e.g. -T='-L :5555:' 
-C, --command                          Command to execute on the target (useful for non interactive-mode). e.g. -C='ls -al'
-J, --justification                    User connection justification    
    --debug                            Output debug prints
    --profile, --token                 Use a specific profile (located at $HOME/.akeyless/profiles) or a temp access token
    --uid-token                        The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication
-h, --help                             display help information
    --json[=false]                     Set output format to JSON
    --jq-expression                    JQ expression to filter result output
    --no-creds-cleanup[=false]         Do not clean local temporary expired creds



For SSH access through the SSH component, please use both the -g <gw-ssh-url> and -c <cert-issuer-name> options. Note that end-users require read permission on the cert issuer item which enables them access to the service.

akeyless connect -t user@ssh-server[:port] -g <gw-ssh-url> -c "<Path to SSH Cert Issuer>"



For using different SSH cert-issuers that enable access to target-servers without providing read permission to the end-users (only list permission on the cert-issuers), you will need to also pass the flag: -n cert-issuer-name for the other cert-issuer. This will enable access through the bastion based on its allowed-users list, where the bastion will read the secret (request the cert) on their behalf.


akeyless connect -t us-east-1 -c my-ssh-cert-issuer -g <gw-ssh-url>:<port> -n "<Path to AWS Dynamic Secret>"

In case you already defined the Cert Issuer inside the akeyless-connect.rc file you can use:

akeyless connect -t us-east-1 -g <gw-ssh-url>:<port> -n "<Path to AWS Dynamic Secret>"


akeyless connect -t <mongo server IP>:27017 -g <gw-ssh-url>:<port> -n "<Path to MongoDB Dynamic Secret>"


akeyless connect -t <mysql-server>:3306 -g <gw-ssh-url>:<port> -n "<Path to MySQL Dynamic Secret>"


akeyless connect -t <namespace>@<eks cluster endpoint without https:// > -g <gw-ssh-url>:<port> -n "<Path to EKS Dynamic secret>"

Non-interactive connection to K8s:


AKEYLESS_PARAM='get pod' akeyless connect -t <k8 cluster endpoint> -g <gw-ssh-url> -n "Path To K8s Dynamnic Secret" --ssh-extra-args "non-interactive"


$env:AKEYLESS_PARAM = 'get pods'; .\akeyless.exe connect -t <k8 cluster endpoint> -g <gw-ssh-url> -n "Path To K8s Dynamnic Secret" --ssh-extra-args "non-interactive"

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