CLI Reference - LDAP Auth Method

This section outlines the CLI commands relevant to LDAP authentication.

General Flags:

--profile, --token: Use a specific profile (located at $HOME/.akeyless/profiles) or a temp access token

--uid-token: The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication

-h, --help: Display help information

--json[=false]: Set output format to JSON

--jq-expression: JQ expression to filter result output

--no-creds-cleanup[=false]: Do not clean local temporary expired creds


Creates a new Authentication Method object that will allow the user to authenticate using LDAP

akeyless auth-method create ldap \
--name <Auth method name> \
--public-key-file-path <Path\To\Public\Key>

-n, --name: Required, Auth method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-p, --public-key-file-path: A path to a public key generated for LDAP authentication method on Akeyless [RSA2048]

--public-key-data: A public key generated for LDAP authentication method on Akeyless [RSA2048] in Base64 or PEM format

--unique-identifier[=users]: A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for LDAP, OAuth2 and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or UPN for example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization

--gen-key[=true]: Automatically generate key-pair for LDAP configuration. If set to false, a public key needs to be provided


Update a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using LDAP

akeyless update-auth-method-ldap \
--name <Auth method name> \
--new-name <Auth method new name> \
--public-key-file-path <Public/Key/Path> 

--new-name: Auth Method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-p, --public-key-file-path: A path to a public key generated for LDAP authentication method on Akeyless [RSA2048]

--public-key-data: A public key generated for LDAP authentication method on Akeyless [RSA2048] in Base64 or PEM format

--unique-identifier[=users]: A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for LDAP, OAuth2 and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or upn for example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization.

--gen-key: Automatically generate key-pair for LDAP configuration. If set to false, a public key needs to be provided


Updates LDAP Auth config

akeyless gateway-update-ldap-auth-config \
--ldap-enable <Enabling ldap authentication> \
--access-id <access ID of the Ldap auth method> \
--signing-key-file-name <path/to/PRV/key> \
--ldap-url <LDAP Server URL> \
--ldap-ca-cert <LDAP CA Certificate (base64 encoded)> 

--ldap-enable: Enabling ldap authentication

--access-id: The access ID of the Ldap auth method

--signing-key-data: The private key (base64 encoded), associated with the public key defined in the Ldap auth

--signing-key-file-name: the path to the file containing the private key

--ldap-url: LDAP Server URL, e.g. ldap://

-t, --ldap-ca-cert: LDAP CA Certificate (base64 encoded)

--ldap-ca-cert-file-name: the path to the file containing the CA certificate

--anonymous-search: Enable LDAP Anonymous Search

--bind-dn: LDAP Bind DN

--bind-dn-password: Password for LDAP Bind DN

--user-dn: User Base DN

--user-attribute: LDAP User Attribute

--group-dn: Base DN to perform group membership search

--group-filter: Go template used when constructing the group membership query. The template can access the following context variables: [UserDN, Username]

--group-attr: LDAP attribute to follow on objects returned by ldap_group_filter in order to enumerate user group membership

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]


Gets Ldap Auth config from Gateway

akeyless gateway-get-ldap-auth-config \
--gateway-url <API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)>

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

--profile, --token: Use a specific profile (located at $HOME/.akeyless/profiles) or a temp access token

--uid-token: The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication