Log Actions


This page includes a thorough comb through all of the different options for the action part of the Akeyless log line by category.


  • list_items: List items, either in a specific path or in your root Akeyless folder

  • delete_items: Delete an item or items in a certain path

  • set_item_state: Set an item state disabled/enabled

  • share_item: Share an item from Akeyless


  • create_role: Create a new role

  • get_role: Fetch the details of a certain role

  • update_role: Updated role details

  • delete_role: Delete a role

  • delete_roles: Delete multiple roles

  • list_roles: List roles, either in a specific path or in your root Akeyless folder

Authentication Methods

  • create_auth_method: Create a new authentication method

  • get_auth_method: Fetch an auth method or all auth methods in a certain path

  • list_auth_methods: List all auth methods

  • delete_auth_method: Delete an auth method

  • delete_auth_methods: Delete all auth methods in a certain path

  • create_assoc_role_auth_method: Associate a role and an auth method

  • delete_assoc_role_auth_method: Delete an association between a role and an auth method

General Item Actions

  • create_item: Create an item

  • get_item: Get item details

  • update_item: Update item details

  • delete_item: Delete an item

  • rotate_item: Rotate a key

  • share_item: Share an item

Secrets and Keys Actions

  • get_secret_value: Fetch secret value

  • get_rotated_secret_value: Fetch rotated secret value

  • get_dynamic_secret_details: Fetch rotated secret value

  • get_item_derivation_creds: Get item creds

  • gen_ssh_certificate: Generate an SSH certificate

  • gen_pki_certificate: Generate a PKI certificate

  • access_to_dynamic_secret_producer: Request access to a dynamic secret producer

  • get_dynamic_secret_value: Fetch a dynamic secret

  • new_dynamic_secret_value_pushed_by_producer: Information that a dynamic secret has been fetched

Universal Identity Actions

  • generate_universal_identity_token: Generated a UID token

  • universal_identity_operation: Any operation that involves a child token (create, revoke, list)

  • universal_identity_rotate: Rotation of UIDs


  • create_target: Create a new target

  • get_target: Get the details of a specific target

  • update_target: Update target information

  • delete_target: Delete a target

  • delete_targets: Delete all targets in a path

  • list_targets: List targets in a certain path or in your head folder

  • create_assoc_target_item: Associate an item with a target

  • delete_assoc_target_item: Break association between a target and an item

Notification Forwarders

  • create_notification_forwarder: Create a notification forwarder

  • updates_notification_forwarder: Update a notification forwarder

  • delete_notification_forwarder: Delete a notification forwarder

Secure Remote Access Bastion

  • update_display_name_of_bastion: Update a bastion name

  • get_bastion_information: Fetch details of a specific bastion

  • list_bastions: List bastions


  • issue_gateway_jwt: Get gateway credentials

  • retrieve_gateway_information: Fetch details of a specific gateway

  • list_gateways: List gateways


  • get_billing_details: Fetch billing details

  • update_billing_details: Update billing details

  • checkout: Checkout

  • add_subscription: Add a subscription

  • update_subscription: Update subscription details

  • list_invoices: List all invoices

  • get_next_invoice: Show next invoice

Additional Log Actions

  • user_notification: User notification eas issued

  • move_objects: Bulk transfer of items

  • list_kmip_servers: List KMIP servers

  • update_object_version_settings_for_account: Update account settings for objects

  • impersonation: Impersonate another user in your Akeyless account

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