JavaScript SDK
This documentation suits Node.js and React.
The Akeyless JavaScript makes it easy to integrate your NodeJS applications, libraries, or scripts with Akeyless. The following guide shows a typical integration.
To install the JavaScript SDK run:
npm install akeyless --save
Create and configure an instance of Akeyless Client:
const akeyless = require('akeyless');
const client = new akeyless.ApiClient();
client.basePath = '';
const api = new akeyless.V2Api(client);
To work with Your Gateway set the client.basePath
with your Gateway API endpoint on port 8081
The Akeyless JavaScript SDK supports multiple Authentication Methods.
Using cloud ID
To work with a Cloud-based Auth, Add the Akeyless Cloud ID library for JavaScript and set the relevant access-type
based on your cloud provide, the following example uses azure_ad
const akeyless = require('akeyless')
var akeylessCloud = require('akeyless-cloud-id')
const AkeylessClient = new akeyless.ApiClient();
AkeylessClient.basePath = '';
const api = new akeyless.V2Api(AkeylessClient)
async function getSecret(key, opts) {
try {
const authResult = await api.auth(akeyless.Auth.constructFromObject(opts))
const token = authResult.token
const someObject = akeyless.GetSecretValue.constructFromObject({
names: [key],
token: token
const data = await api.getSecretValue(someObject)
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(data))
return JSON.stringify(data)
} catch (e) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(e, null, 2))
async function getSecretWithCloudId() {
const accessType = "azure_ad"
const cloudId = await akeylessCloud.getCloudId(accessType)
const opts = { 'access-id': "Access ID", 'access-type': accessType, 'cloud-id': cloudId }
const secret = await getSecret("my-secret", opts)
Make sure to set your Access Id
and accessType
in the relevant places. The received token should be provided for every request that requires authentication.
API Reference
For a detailed API reference, see here.
Updated over 1 year ago