Akeyless Gateway Best Practices
Network & Security
Akeyless Gateway (GW) cluster should not be reachable from the external network, i.e., ingress traffic should be blocked, while egress traffic should be able to reach the required services. A list of the required endpoints that should be reachable from your GW can be found here.
Gateway Authentication method - should be used with a dedicated authentication method, which will be stored under a path that only your admin users can access.
Dedicated environment - GW should be the only application running on the machine. This can be done using a dedicated docker that runs on that machine or a dedicated Kubernetes (K8s) cluster. This reduces the risk that another process running on the same machine is compromised and can interact with your GW.
Configure TLS
Use your own Customer Fragment to enable Zero-Knowledge
Configure your default encryption key
- Log Forwarding - Create a dedicated GW with a dedicated Authentication method to collect and forward all Akeyless logs to your logs system. Such a dedicated Authentication Method should be associated with a dedicated Access Role, which will have permission to view all GWs logs. Only admins will have permission to view this GW Authentication Method and Access Role.
High Availability
Configure a meaningful name for your cluster - GW instances can be set as a cluster where the mutual identifier for your GW instances is a combination of your cluster name and the access ID of the authentication method you used to spin the GW instance. Providing a meaningful name to your clusters will ensure easier management and scalable environments of your GWs.
High Availability - You can create GW clusters to ensure service continuity and resiliency. Your GW instances can be located in different regions while working as a Geo-Cluster. GW instances don't need to communicate with each other directly. Akeyless Platform does the entire operation of synchronizing your instances. Working with Geo-Cluster provides an extra level of resiliency. In addition, your GW instances can work either in active-active or active-passive modes to address high loads.
Updated about 1 year ago