CLI Reference - Authentication


This section outlines the CLI commands relevant to authentication.

General Flags:

--profile, --token: Use a specific profile (located at $HOME/.akeyless/profiles) or a temp access token

--uid-token: The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication

-h, --help: Display help information

--json[=false]: Set output format to JSON

--jq-expression: JQ expression to filter result output

--no-creds-cleanup[=false]: Do not clean local temporary expired creds


This command authenticates to Akeyless and saves the temporary token so that it can be used again until the token expires without the need to re-authenticate every time.


--access-id: Access ID

--access-type[=access_key]: Access Type (access_key/password/saml/ldap/k8s/azure_ad/oidc/aws_iam/universal_identity/jwt/gcp/cert/oci)

--access-key: Access key (relevant only for access-type=access_key)

--cloud-id: The cloud identity (relevant only for access-type=azure_ad,aws_iam,gcp)

--uid_token: The universal_identity token (relevant only for access-type=universal_identity)

--jwt: The JSON Web Token (relevant only for access-type=jwt/oidc)

--admin-password: Password (relevant only for access-type=password)

--admin-email: Email (relevant only for access-type=password)

--oidc-sp: OIDC Service Provider (relevant only for access-type=oidc, inferred if empty), \nsupported SPs:google, github

--ldap_proxy_url: Address URL for LDAP proxy (relevant only for access-type=ldap)

--username : LDAP username (relevant only for access-type=ldap)

--password : LDAP password (relevant only for access-type=ldap)

--gcp-audience[]: GCP audience to use in signed JWT (relevant only for access-type=gcp)

--gateway-url: Gateway URL for the K8S authenticated (relevant only for access-type=k8s)

--k8s-auth-config-name: The K8s Auth config name (relevant only for access-type=k8s)

--k8s-service-account-token: The K8S service account token

--cert-file-name: Name of the cert file to use (relevant only for access-type=cert)

--cert-data: Certificate data encoded in base64. Used if file was not provided. (relevant only for access-type=cert)

--key-file-name: Name of the private key file to use (relevant only for access-type=cert)

--key-data: Private key data encoded in base64. Used if file was not provided.(relevant only for access-type=cert)

--oci-auth-type[=apikey]: The type of the OCI configuration to use [instance/apikey/resource] (relevant only for access-type=oci)

--oci-group-ocid: A list of Oracle Cloud IDs groups (relevant only for access-type=oci)

--use-remote-browser: Returns a link to complete the authentication remotely (relevant only for access-type=saml/oidco

--debug: Use this flag for a printout of the authorization JWT."


Create a new API Key Auth Method in the current account

akeyless create-auth-method --name <Auth method name>

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]:Access expiration date in Unix timestamp \n(select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]:creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings \n(see get-account-settings)


Create a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using an email address

akeyless create-auth-method-email \
--name <Auth mehotd name> \
--email <Email address>

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

--email: Required, An email address to be invited to have access


Create a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using Azure Active Directory credentials

akeyless create-auth-method-azure-ad \
--name <Auth method name> \
--bound-tenant-id <Azure tenant id> 

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-b, --bound-tenant-id: Required, The Azure tenant id that the access is restricted to

--issuer: Issuer URL (=

--jwks-uri: The URL to the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) that containing the public keys that should be used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the authorization server (=`

--audience[=]: The audience in the JWT

--bound-spid: A list of service principal IDs that the access is restricted to

--bound-group-id: A list of group ids that the access is restricted to

--bound-sub-id: A list of subscription ids that the access is restricted to

--bound-rg-id: A list of resource groups that the access is restricted to

--bound-providers: A list of resource providers that the access is restricted to (e.g, Microsoft.Compute, Microsoft.ManagedIdentity, etc)

--bound-resource-types: A list of resource types that the access is restricted to (e.g, virtualMachines, userAssignedIdentities, etc)

--bound-resource-names: A list of resource names that the access is restricted to (e.g, a virtual machine name, scale set name, etc)

--bound-resource-id: A list of full resource ids that the access is restricted to


Create a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using AWS IAM credentials

akeyless create-auth-method-aws-iam \
--name <Auth method name> \
--bound-aws-account-id <AWS account Id> \
--bound-arn <A list of full arns that the access is restricted to> \
--bound-role-name <A list of full role-name that the access is restricted to> \
--bound-role-id <A list of full role ids that the access is restricted to>

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

--aws-account-id: Required, A list of AWS account-IDs that the access is restricted to

--sts-url[=]: STS URL

--bound-arn: A list of full arns that the access is restricted to

--bound-role-name: A list of full role-name that the access is restricted to

--bound-role-id: A list of full role ids that the access is restricted to

--bound-resource-id: A list of full resource ids that the access is restricted to

--bound-user-name: A list of full user-name that the access is restricted to

--bound-user-id: A list of full user ids that the access is restricted to


Create a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using GCP IAM ServiceAccount credentials or GCE instance credentials

akeyless create-auth-method-gcp \
--name <Auth method name> \
--type <iamgce> \
--audience <audience to verify in the JWT received by the client> \
--service-account-creds-file </path/to/service account creds.json>

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-t, --type: Required, The type of the GCP Auth Method (iam/gce)

-a, --audience[]: Required, The audience to verify in the JWT received by the client

--service-account-creds-file: Service Account credentials key file path

--service-account-creds-data: Service Account credentials data, base64 encoded

--bound-projects: A list of GCP project IDs. Clients must belong to any of the provided projects in order to authenticate. For multiple values repeat this flag

--bound-service-accounts: A list of Service Accounts. Clients must belong to any of the provided service accounts in order to authenticate. For multiple values repeat this flag

--bound-zones: GCE only. A list of zones. GCE instances must belong to any of the provided zones in order to authenticate. For multiple values repeat this flag

--bound-regions: GCE only. A list of regions. GCE instances must belong to any of the provided regions in order to authenticate. For multiple values repeat this flag

--bound-labels: GCE only. A list of GCP labels formatted as "key:value" pairs that must be set on instances in order to authenticate. For multiple values repeat this flag. If this is added, the --service-account-creds-file or --service-account-creds-data becomes mandatory.


Create a new Oracle Auth Method that will be used in the account using OCI principle and groups

akeyless create-auth-method-oci \
--name <Auth Method name> \
--tenant-ocid <Oracle Cloud tenant ID> \
--group-ocid <required groups ocids>

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

-t, --tenant-ocid: Required, The Oracle Cloud tenant ID

-g, --group-oicd: Required, A list of required groups ocids

--description: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

--product-type: Choose the relevant product type for the auth method [sm, sra, pm, dp, ca]


Get Cloud Identity Token (relevant only for access-type=azure_ad, aws_iam, gcp)

akeyless get-cloud-identity \
--cloud-provider <azure_ad/aws_iam/gcp> \
--azure_ad_object_id <Azure AD ObjectID>

--cloud-provider: Cloud provider (azure_ad/aws_iam/gcp)

--azure_ad_object_id: Azure Active Directory ObjectId \n(relevant only for access-type=azure_ad)

--gcp-audience[]: GCP audience to use in signed JWT \n(relevant only for access-type=gcp)

--url_safe: Escapes the token so it can be safely placed inside a URL query"


Create a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using OAuth2

akeyless create-auth-method-oauth2 \
--name <Auth method name> \
--unique-identifier <unique ID> \
--issuer <issuer URL> \
--audience <The audience in the JWT> \
--jwks-uri <URL to JWKS>

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-j, --jwks-uri: The URL to the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) that containing the public keys that should be used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the authorization server

`--jwks-json-data: The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) that containing the public keys \nthat should be used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the authorization server. base64 encoded string

-u, --unique-identifier: Required, A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for OAuth2, LDAP and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or UPNfor example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization

--bound-clients-ids: The clients ids that the access is restricted to

--issuer: Issuer URL

--audience: The audience in the JWT

--gateway-url: API Gateway URL http://Your-Akeyless-Gateway-URL:8000

-d, --delimiters: A list of additional sub-claims delimiters"


Create a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using SAML

akeyless create-auth-method-saml \
--name <Auth method name> \
--unique-identifier <Unique ID> \
--allowed-redirect-uri <Allowed redirect URIs after the authentication> \
--idp-metadata-url <IDP metadata url>

-n, --name: Required, Auth method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-u, --unique-identifier: Required, A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for OAuth2, LDAP and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or UPN for example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization

--idp-metadata-url: IDP metadata url

--allowed-redirect-uri: Allowed redirect URIs after the authentication (default is to enable SAML via Akeyless Console and* to enable SAML via akeyless CLI)

--idp-metadata-xml-file-path: IDP metadata xml file path

--idp-metadata-xml-data: IDP metadata as xml encoded in base64

-d, --delimiters: A list of additional sub-claims delimiters


Creates a new Authentication Method object that will allow the user to authenticate using OIDC

akeyless create-auth-method-oidc \
--name <Auth method name> \
--unique-identifier <Unique ID> \
--issuer <Issuer URL> \
--client-id <Client ID> \
--client-secret <Client Secret>

-n, --name: Required, Auth method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

--issuer: Issuer URL

--client-id: Client ID

--client-secret: Client Secret

-u, --unique-identifier: Required, A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for OIDC, OAuth2, LDAP and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or upn for example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization

--allowed-redirect-uri: Allowed redirect URIs after the authentication (default is to enable OIDC via Akeyless Console and* to enable OIDC via akeyless CLI)

--require-scopes: required scopes that the oidc method will request from the oidc provider and the user must approve

--required-scopes-prefix: a prefix to add to all required-scopes when requesting them from the oidc server (for example, azures` Application ID URI)

--audience: Audience claim to be used as part of the authentication flow. In case set, it must match the one configured on the Identity Provider`s Application

-d, --delimiters: A list of additional sub-claims delimiters


Creates a new Authentication Method object that will allow the user to authenticate using Kubernetes

akeyless create-auth-method-k8s \
--name <Auth method name> \
--public-key-file-path <Path\To\Public\Key> \
--bound-pod-names <list of pods name> \
--bound-namespaces <list of namespaces that the access is restricted to> \
--public-key <Base64-encoded or PEM formatted public key data> \
--audience <The audience in the Kubernetes JWT that the access is restricted to>

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-p, --public-key-file-path: In case the gen-key set to false, path to a public key for K8S authentication method is required [RSA2048]

--public-key: Base64-encoded or PEM formatted public key data

--audience: The audience in the Kubernetes JWT that the access is restricted to

--bound-sa-names: A list of service account names that the access is restricted to

--bound-pod-names: A list of pod names that the access is restricted to

--bound-namespaces: A list of namespaces that the access is restricted to

--gen-key[=true]: Automatically generate key-pair for K8S configuration. If set to false, a public key needs to be provided


Creates K8S Auth config

akeyless gateway-create-k8s-auth-config \
--name <k8s-conf name> \
--access-id <Access_ID> \
--gateway-url <API Gateway URL:8000> \
--signing-key <Private_Key> \
--k8s-host <https://Your-K8s-Cluster-IP:8443> \
--token-reviewer-jwt <SA_JWT_TOKEN> \
--k8s-ca-cert <CA_CERT> \
--k8s-issuer <K8S_ISSUER>
akeyless gateway-create-k8s-auth-config  --name k8s-conf-rancher \
--gateway-url <https://Your-GW-URL>:8000 \
--access-id $ACCESS_ID \
--signing-key $PRV_KEY \
--cluster-api-type rancher \
--k8s-host=<https://Rancher Host>:443 \
--k8s-ca-cert $CA_CERT \
--k8s-issuer $K8S_ISSUER \
--rancher-api-key <API_KEY> \
--rancher-cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> \
akeyless gateway-create-k8s-auth-config  --name k8s-conf \
--gateway-url <API Gateway URL:8000> \
--access-id <Access_ID> \
--signing-key <Private_Key> \

-n, --name: Required, K8S Auth config name

--access-id: Required, The Access ID of the Kubernetes auth method

--signing-key: The private key (base64 encoded) associated with the public key defined in the Kubernetes auth

--token-exp[=300]: Time in seconds of expiration of the Akeyless Kubernetes Auth Method token

-i, --use-gw-service-account: Use the GW's service account

--cluster-api-type[=native_k8s]: Cluster access type. options: native_k8s, rancher

--k8s-host: The URL of the kubernetes API server

--k8s-ca-cert: The CA Certificate (base64 encoded) to use to call into the kubernetes API server

--k8s-auth-type[=token]: Native K8S auth type, [token/certificate]. (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--k8s-client-certificate: Content of the k8 client certificate (PEM format) in a Base64 format (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--k8s-client-certificate-file: Path to a file that contain the k8s client certificate in PEM format (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--k8s-client-key: Content of the k8 client private key (PEM format) in a Base64 format (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--k8s-client-key-file: Path to a file that contain the k8s client private key in PEM format (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--token-reviewer-jwt: A Kubernetes service account JWT used to access the TokenReview API to validate other JWTs (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--rancher-api-key: The API Key used to access the TokenReview API to validate other JWTs (relevant for "rancher" only)

--rancher-cluster-id: The cluster ID as defined in Rancher (relevant for "rancher" only)

--k8s-issuer[=kubernetes/serviceaccount]: The Kubernetes JWT issuer name. If not set, this <kubernetes/serviceaccount> will be used by default

--disable-issuer-validation[=true]: Disable issuer validation true/false

--config-encryption-key-name: Encrypt K8S Auth config with following key

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)


Gets K8S Auth config

akeyless gateway-get-k8s-auth-config \
--name <K8S Auth config name> \
--gateway-url <API Gateway URL:8000> 

-n, --name: Required, K8S Auth config name
-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)


Creates a new Authentication Method object that will allow the user to authenticate using LDAP

akeyless create-auth-method-ldap \
--name <Auth method name> \
--public-key-file-path <Path\To\Public\Key>

-n, --name: Required, Auth method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-p, --public-key-file-path: A path to a public key generated for LDAP authentication method on Akeyless [RSA2048]

--public-key-data: A public key generated for LDAP authentication method on Akeyless [RSA2048] in Base64 or PEM format

--unique-identifier[=users]: A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for LDAP, OAuth2 and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or UPN for example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization

--gen-key[=true]: Automatically generate key-pair for LDAP configuration. If set to false, a public key needs to be provided


Gets Ldap Auth config

akeyless gateway-get-ldap-auth-config \
-gateway-url https://<API Gateway URL:8000>

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)


Create a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using Akeyless Universal Identity

akeyless create-auth-method-universal-identity \
--name <Auth method name> \
--ttl <Token TTL> 

-n, --name: Required Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

--deny-rotate: Deny from the token to rotate

--deny-inheritance: Deny from root to create children

--ttl[=60]: Token TTL (has the value that configured in Akeyless console > Authentication settings)


Create a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using a client certificate

akeyless create-auth-method-cert \
--name <Auth method name> \
--unique-identifier <Unique ID> \
--certificate-file-name </Path/To/File/signing_certificate.pem> 

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

--certificate-data: The certificate data in base64, if no file was provided

--certificate-file-name: The path to the file containing the CA certificate

--bound-common-names: A list of names. At least one must exist in the Common Name. Supports globbing

--bound-dns-sans: A list of DNS names. At least one must exist in the SANs. Supports globbing

--bound-email-sans: A list of Email Addresses. At least one must exist in the SANs. Supports globbing

--bound-uri-sans: A list of URIs. At least one must exist in the SANs. Supports globbing

--bound-organizational-units: A list of Organizational Units names. At least one must exist in the OU field

--bound-extensions: A list of extensions formatted as oid:value. Expects the extension value to be some type of ASN1 encoded string. All values much match. Supports globbing on value

--revoked-cert-ids: A list of revoked cert ids

-u, --unique-identifier: Required, A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for OIDC, OAuth2, LDAP and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or upn for example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization


Checks the provided validating a token, and if valid prints its expiration time (Time-To-Live)validity and its TTL

akeyless validate-token \
--token <Token to validate>


This command will permanently revoke the credentials associated with the provided token or profile

akeyless revoke-creds --profile/token <Profile/Token>


Get Auth Method details

akeyless get-auth-method -n <Auth method name>


List details of all the Auth Methods in the account

akeyless list-auth-methods \
--type <Auth method type> \
--filter <Filter by auth method name or part of it>

-t, --type: The auth method types list of the requested method. In case it is empty, all types of auth method will be returned. options: [api_key, azure_ad, oauth2/jwt, saml2, ldap, aws_iam, oidc, universal_identity, gcp, k8s, cert]

--filter: Filter by auth method name or part of it

--pagination-token: Next page reference


Delete the Auth Method

akeyless delete-auth-method -n <Auth method name>

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name


Delete multiple auth methods from a given path

akeyless delete-auth-methods -p <Path/to/auth-methods>

-p, --path: Required, path to delete the auth methods from


Deletes K8S Auth config

akeyless gateway-delete-k8s-auth-config \
--name <Auth config name> \
--gateway-url <API Gateway URL:8000> 

-n, --name: Required, K8S Auth config name

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)


Update a new API Key Auth Method in the account

akeyless update-auth-method --name <Auth method>

--new-name: Auth Method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)


Updates the K8s Auth config


akeyless gateway-update-k8s-auth-config \
--name <Auth name> \
--access-id <access-id> \
--new-name <config new-name> \
--k8s-host <kubernetes API server URL> 

-n, --name: Required, K8S Auth config name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-id: Required, The access ID of the Kubernetes auth method

--signing-key: The private key (base64 encoded) associated with the public key defined in the Kubernetes auth

--token-exp[=300]: Time in seconds of expiration of the Akeyless Kubernetes Auth Method token

-i, --use-gw-service-account: Use the GW's service account

--cluster-api-type[=native_k8s]: Cluster access type. options: [native_k8s, rancher]

--k8s-host: The URL of the kubernetes API server

--k8s-ca-cert: The CA Certificate (base64 encoded) to use to call into the kubernetes API server

--k8s-auth-type[=token]: Native K8S auth type, [token/certificate]. (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--k8s-client-certificate: Content of the k8 client certificate (PEM format) in a Base64 format (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--k8s-client-certificate-file: Path to a file that contain the k8s client certificate in PEM format (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--k8s-client-key: Content of the k8 client private key (PEM format) in a Base64 format (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--k8s-client-key-file: Path to a file that contain the k8s client private key in PEM format (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--token-reviewer-jwt: A Kubernetes service account JWT used to access the TokenReview API to validate other JWTs (relevant for "native_k8s" only)

--rancher-api-key: The api key used to access the TokenReview API to validate other JWTs (relevant for "rancher" only)

--rancher-cluster-id: The cluster id as define in rancher (relevant for "rancher" only)

--k8s-issuer=[kubernetes/serviceaccount]: The Kubernetes JWT issuer name. If not set, this <kubernetes/serviceaccount> will be used by default.

--disable-issuer-validation[=true]: Disable issuer validation true/false

--config-encryption-key-name: Encrypt K8S Auth config with following key

-u, --gateway-url=[http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

--new-name: Required, K8S Auth config new-name

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]


Updates LDAP Auth config

akeyless gateway-update-ldap-auth-config \
--ldap-enable <Enabling ldap authentication> \
--access-id <access ID of the Ldap auth method> \
--signing-key-file-name <path/to/PRV/key> \
--ldap-url <LDAP Server URL> \
--ldap-ca-cert <LDAP CA Certificate (base64 encoded)> 


--ldap-enable: Enabling ldap authentication

--access-id: The access ID of the Ldap auth method

--signing-key-data: The private key (base64 encoded), associated with the public key defined in the Ldap auth

--signing-key-file-name: the path to the file containing the private key

--ldap-url: LDAP Server URL, e.g. ldap://

-t, --ldap-ca-cert: LDAP CA Certificate (base64 encoded)

--ldap-ca-cert-file-name: the path to the file containing the CA certificate

--anonymous-search: Enable LDAP Anonymous Search

--bind-dn: LDAP Bind DN

--bind-dn-password: Password for LDAP Bind DN

--user-dn: User Base DN

--user-attribute: LDAP User Attribute

--group-dn: Base DN to perform group membership search

--group-filter: Go template used when constructing the group membership query. The template can access the following context variables: [UserDN, Username]

--group-attr: LDAP attribute to follow on objects returned by ldap_group_filter in order to enumerate user group membership

-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]


Update a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using AWS IAM credentials

akeyless update-auth-method-aws-iam \
--name <Auth method name> \
--bound-aws-account-id <Accessble AWS account`s IDs> \
--new-name <Auth method new name> 


--new-name: Auth method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-b, --bound-aws-account-id: Required, A list of AWS account-IDs that the access is restricted to

--sts-url[=]: STS URL
--bound-arn: A list of full arns that the access is restricted to

--bound-role-name: A list of full role-name that the access is restricted to

--bound-role-id: A list of full role ids that the access is restricted to

--bound-resource-id: A list of full resource ids that the access is restricted to

--bound-user-name: A list of full user-name that the access is restricted to

--bound-user-id: A list of full user ids that the access is restricted to

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]


Update a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using Azure Active Directory credentials

akeyless update-auth-method-azure-ad \
--name <Auth method name> \
--bound-tenant-id <Azure tenant id that the access is restricted to> \
--new-name <Auth method new name> 


--new-name: Auth Method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-b, --bound-tenant-id: Required, The Azure tenant id that the access is restricted to

--issuer[=]: Issuer URL

--jwks-uri[=]: The URL to the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) that containing the public keys that should be used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the authorization server.

--audience[=]: The audience in the JWT

--bound-spid: A list of service principal IDs that the access is restricted to

--bound-group-id: A list of group ids that the access is restricted to

--bound-sub-id: A list of subscription ids that the access is restricted to

--bound-rg-id: A list of resource groups that the access is restricted to

--bound-providers: A list of resource providers that the access is restricted to (e.g, Microsoft.Compute, Microsoft.ManagedIdentity, etc)

--bound-resource-types: A list of resource types that the access is restricted to (e.g, virtualMachines, userAssignedIdentities, etc)

--bound-resource-names: A list of resource names that the access is restricted to (e.g, a virtual machine name, scale set name, etc).

--bound-resource-id: A list of full resource ids that the access is restricted to


Update a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using a client certificate.

akeyless update-auth-method-cert \
--name <Auth method name> \
--unique-identifier <Unique ID> \
--new-name <Auth method new name> 


--new-name: Auth Method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

--certificate-data: The certificate data in base64, if no file was provided.

--certificate-file-name: the path to the file containing the CA certificate

--bound-common-names: A list of names. At least one must exist in the Common Name. Supports globbing.

--bound-dns-sans: A list of DNS names. At least one must exist in the SANs. Supports globbing.

--bound-email-sans: A list of Email Addresses. At least one must exist in the SANs. Supports globbing.

--bound-uri-sans: A list of URIs. At least one must exist in the SANs. Supports globbing.

--bound-organizational-units: A list of Organizational Units names. At least one must exist in the OU field.

--bound-extensions: A list of extensions formatted as oid:value. Expects the extension value to be some type of ASN1 encoded string. All values much match. Supports globbing on value.

--revoked-cert-ids: A list of revoked cert ids

-u, --unique-identifier: Required, A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for OIDC, OAuth2, LDAP and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or upn for example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization.


Update a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using GCP IAM Service Account credentials or GCE instance credentials

akeyless update-auth-method-gcp \
--name <Auth method name> \
--type <GCP type method> \
--audience <The audience to verify in the JWT received by the client> \
--new-name <Auth method new name> 


--new-name: Auth Method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-t, --type: Required, The type of the GCP Auth Method (iam/gce)

-a, --audience[]: Required, The audience to verify in the JWT received by the client

--service-account-creds-file: Service Account creds key file path

--service-account-creds-data: Service Account creds data, base64 encoded

--bound-projects: A list of GCP project IDs. Clients must belong to any of the provided projects in order to authenticate. For multiple values repeat this flag.

--bound-service-accounts: A list of Service Accounts. Clients must belong to any of the provided service accounts in order to authenticate. For multiple values repeat this flag.

--bound-zones: GCE only. A list of zones. GCE instances must belong to any of the provided zones in order to authenticate. For multiple values repeat this flag.

--bound-regions: GCE only. A list of regions. GCE instances must belong to any of the provided regions in order to authenticate. For multiple values repeat this flag.

--bound-labels: GCE only. A list of GCP labels formatted as "key:value" pairs that must be set on instances in order to authenticate. For multiple values repeat this flag. If this is added, the --service-account-creds-file or --service-account-creds-data becomes mandatory.


Update an Oracle Auth Method that will be used in the account using OCI principle and groups

akeyless update-auth-method-oci \ 
--name <Auth Method name> \
--new-name <Auth Method new name> \
--tenant-ocid <Oracle Cloud tenant ID> \
--group-ocid <required groups ocids>

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

-t, --tenant-ocid: Required, The Oracle Cloud tenant ID

-g, --group-oicd: Required, A list of required groups ocids

--new-name: Auth Method new name

--description: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub claims

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

--product-type: Choose the relevant product type for the auth method [sm, sra, pm, dp, ca]


Update a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using Kubernetes

akeyless update-auth-method-k8s \
--name <Auth method name> \
--new-name <Auth method new name> 


--new-name: Auth Method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-p, --public-key-file-path: In case the gen-key set to false, path to a public key for K8S authentication method is required [RSA2048]

--public-key: Base64-encoded or PEM formatted public key data

--audience: The audience in the Kubernetes JWT that the access is restricted to

--bound-sa-names: A list of service account names that the access is restricted to

--bound-pod-names: A list of pod names that the access is restricted to

--bound-namespaces: A list of namespaces that the access is restricted to

--gen-key: Automatically generate key-pair for K8S configuration. If set to false, a public key needs to be provided


Update a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using LDAP

akeyless update-auth-method-ldap \
--name <Auth method name> \
--new-name <Auth method new name> \
--public-key-file-path <Public/Key/Path> 


--new-name: Auth Method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-p, --public-key-file-path: A path to a public key generated for LDAP authentication method on Akeyless [RSA2048]

--public-key-data: A public key generated for LDAP authentication method on Akeyless [RSA2048] in Base64 or PEM format

--unique-identifier[=users]: A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for LDAP, OAuth2 and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or upn for example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization.

--gen-key: Automatically generate key-pair for LDAP configuration. If set to false, a public key needs to be provided


Update a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using OAuth2

akeyless update-auth-method-oauth2 \
--name <Auth method name> \
--unique-identifier *<Unique ID> \
--jwks-uri <URL to the JSON Web Key Set> 


--new-name: Auth Method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-j, --jwks-uri: The URL to the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) that containing the public keys that should be used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the authorization server.

-u, --unique-identifier: Required, A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for OAuth2, LDAP and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or upn for example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization.

--bound-clients-ids: The clients ids that the access is restricted to

--issuer: Issuer URL

--audience: The audience in the JWT

--gateway-url: API Gateway URL http://Your-Akeyless-Gateway-URL:8000

-d, --delimiters: A list of additional sub-claims delimiters


Update a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using OIDC

akeyless update-auth-method-oidc \
--name <Auth method name> \
--unique-identifier <Unique ID> \
--new-name <Auth method new name> \
--client-id <Client ID> \
--client-secret <Client Secret>
--issuer <Issuer URL>


--new-name: Auth Method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

--issuer: Issuer URL

--client-id: Client ID

--client-secret: Client Secret

-u, --unique-identifier: Required, A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for OAuth2, LDAP and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or upn for example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization

--allowed-redirect-uri: Allowed redirect URIs after the authentication (default is to enable OIDC via Akeyless Console and* to enable OIDC via akeyless CLI)

--required-scopes: required scopes that the oidc method will request from the oidc provider and the user must approve

--required-scopes-prefix: a prefix to add to all required-scopes when requesting them from the oidc server (for example, azures` Application ID URI)

--audience: Audience claim to be used as part of the authentication flow. In case set, it must match the one configured on the Identity Provider`s Application

-d, --delimiters A list of additional sub-claims delimiters


Update a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using SAML

akeyless update-auth-method-saml \
--name <Auth method name> \
--unique-identifier <Unique ID> \
--new-name <Auth method new name> \
--allowed-redirect-uri <Allowed redirect URIs>


--new-name: Auth Method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

-u, --unique-identifier: Required, A unique identifier (ID) value should be configured for OAuth2, LDAP and SAML authentication method types and is usually a value such as the email, username, or upn for example. Whenever a user logs in with a token, these authentication types issue a "sub-claim" that contains details uniquely identifying that user. This sub-claim includes a key containing the ID value that you configured, and is used to distinguish between different users from within the same organization.

--idp-metadata-url: IDP metadata url

--allowed-redirect-uri: Allowed redirect URIs after the authentication (default is to enable SAML via Akeyless Console and* to enable SAML via akeyless CLI)

--idp-metadata-xml-file-path: IDP metadata xml file path

--idp-metadata-xml-data: IDP metadata as xml encoded in base64

-d, --delimiters: A list of additional sub-claims delimiters


Update a new Auth Method that will be able to authenticate using Akeyless Universal Identity

akeyless update-auth-method-universal-identity \
--name <Auth method name> \
--new-name <Auth method new name> 


--new-name: Auth Method new name

-n, --name: Required, Auth Method name

--descrpition: Auth Method description

--access-expires[=0]: Access expiration date in Unix timestamp (select 0 for access without expiry date)

--bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list to allow client access

--gw-bound-ips: A comma-separated CIDR block list as a trusted Gateway entity

--force-sub-claims: enforce role-association must include sub-claims

--audit-logs-claims: Additional sub-claims to include in audit logs. e.g. --audit-logs-claims email --audit-logs-claims username

--delete-protection: Protection from accidental deletion of this object, [true/false]

--jwt-ttl[=0]: creds expiration time in minutes. If not set, use default according to account settings (see get-account-settings)

--deny-rotate: Deny from the token to rotate

--deny-inheritance: Deny from root to create children

--ttl[=60]: Token ttl (in minutes)


Gets Ldap Auth config

akeyless gateway-get-ldap-auth-config \
--gateway-url <API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)>


-u, --gateway-url[=http://localhost:8000]: API Gateway URL (Configuration Management port)

--profile, --token: Use a specific profile (located at $HOME/.akeyless/profiles) or a temp access token

--uid-token: The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication

Akeyless Universal Identity


List the token children ids of Akeyless Universal Identity

akeyless uid-list-children --auth-method-name <UID Auth Method Name>


Revoke token using Akeyless Universal Identity

akeyless uid-revoke-token \
--revoke-type <revokeSelf/revokeAll> \
--revoke-token <UID Token ID> 

--revoke-type: Required, revokeSelf/revokeAll (delete only this token/this token and his children)

--revoke-token: Required, the universal identity token/token-id to revoke

-n, --auth-method-name: The universal identity auth method name


Generate a new token using Akeyless Universal Identity

akeyless uid-generate-token --auth-method-name <Auth method name>


Rotate Akeyless Universal Identity token


-t, --token, --uid-token: The Universal identity token to rotate

--fork: Create a new child token with default Flags

--send-manual-ack-token: The new rotated token to send manual ack for (with uid-token=the-orig-token)

--with-manual-ack: Disable automatic ack

-o, --output-file: Path to the output file

-i, --input-file: Path to the input file


Create a new child token using Akeyless Universal Identity

akeyless uid-create-child-token \
--child-deny-rotate \

--child-deny-rotate: Deny from new child to rotate

--child-deny-inheritance: Deny from new child to create their own children

--child-ttl: New child token TTL

-n, --auth-method-name: The universal identity auth method name, required only when uid-token is not provided

--tid, --uid-token-id: The ID of the uid-token, required only when uid-token is not provided

--profile or --token: Use a specific Akeyless profile (located at $HOME/.akeyless/profiles) or a temporary access token

--uid-token: The universal identity token. It is required only for universal_identity authentication

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