Akeyless Connect

Akeyless connect provides you with secure CLI access to resources or a secure tunnel from any UNIX terminal.


To use Akeyless Connect you need:



Akeyless connect command supports legacy ~/.akeyless-sphere.rc configuration file.

Starting from Windows 10, Microsoft supports the native feature "Windows Subsystem for Linux."
This feature enables users to utilize their Windows OS environment as a UNIX-like system.

To work with the akeyless-connect command from a Windows machine, place the .akeyless-connect.rc script in your home directory.

Set Up Akeyless Connect

  1. Download the latest version of Akeyless Command Line Interface (CLI).

  2. Create a resource file called ~/.akeyless-connect.rc as follows:

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright © 2019-2023  Akeyless Security LTD.
# All rights reserved
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# This file is a user-specific configuration file for `akeyless connect` CLI command, part of Akeyless Secure Remote Access
# This file should be located under the user's home directory, named explicitly: .akeyless-connect.rc

# IDENTITY_FILE - the path to the ssh-key to be signed and used for Zero Trust session (if empty, default ssh-key is used)

# CERT_ISSUER_NAME - full path to the Akeyless SSH Cert Issuer to use for Zero Trust session

# AKEYLESS_PROFILE - Akeyless CLI profile to be used

# Akeyless CLI binary (if needed)

# AKEYLESS_GW_REST_API - URL for Akeyless API Gateway (RestAPI)

# Following are used for control service, to configure the temporary session:

# Allow caching of temp session creds

# Display connection stages

# Use SSH Agent to store user's identity keys.


# Path to SSH executable. e.g. /usr/bin/ssh

The latest version of this file can be found in Akeyless official artifacts.

Edit the settings as follows:

IDENTITY_FILE - Default is ~/.ssh/id_rsa. Full path to the private key to be signed and used for the Zero Trust session.

CERT_ISSUER_NAME - Full path to the Akeyless SSH Certificates Issuer item.

AKEYLESS_PROFILE - Set the default profile that will be used from your Akeyless Command Line Interface (CLI). By default, it's using the default profile of your Akeyless CLI.

AKEYLESS_CLI - Akeyless CLI binary (if needed).

AKEYLESS_GW_REST_API - Set your Akeyless Gateway URL on port 8080 for Zero-Knowledge items and for internal network access.

BASTION_API_PROTO - Default is http. Set to https when your Secure Remote Access Bastion is configured with TLS.

BASTION_API_PORT - Default is set to 9900. Set your matching ssh-sra cluster service port.

BASTION_SSH_PORT - Default is set to 22. Set your matching ssh-sra cluster service port.

Optional when working with Application Load Balancers, you can set the exact path of your ssh-sra service, which listens to the bastion api control port:

BASTION_API_PREFIX - Set your path prefix as your load balancer settings.

BASTION_API_PATH - Set your path as your load balancer settings.

Where the URL will be set as follow:


SSH_EXTRA_ARGS - Add any official SSH arguments.

  1. Use the akeyless connect command to connect to a resource through the Secure Remote Access Bastion:
akeyless connect -t <[user@]target/hostname/ip[:port]> -v <sra-bastion-ssh-sra-service/ip[:port]>

Full options list:

-t, --target                           Target resource, example formats: user@ssh-server[:port], us-east-2, mysql-server:3306, etc.
  -v, --via-bastion                      Bastion host, which the connection will go through. e.g.: bastion-host:port. 
  -c, --cert-issuer-name                 Akeyless Certificate Issuer Name. If not specified will be taken from ~/.akeyless-connect.rc 
  -i, --identity-file                    Selects a file from which the identity (private key) for public key authentication is read.  The default is ~/.ssh/id_dsa, ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.
  -n, --name                             Path to Secret, based on the required connection
      --ssh-extra-args                   Additional SSH arguments (except -i)
      --bastion-ctrl-proto[=http]        Bastion API Protocol [http/https]
      --bastion-ctrl-subdomain           Bastion control API URL prefix. e.g. https://<prefix>.bastion-host
      --bastion-ctrl-path                Bastion control API path. e.g. https://bastion-host/<path>
      --bastion-ctrl-port[=9900]         Bastion control API port. e.g. https://bastion-host:<7777>
      --gateway-rest-endpoint            Gateway RestAPI URL. e.g. https://rest.akeyless.io
  -V, --ssh-version                      Output local SSH client version
      --ssh-legacy-signing-alg[=false]   Set this option to output legacy ('ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com') signing algorithm name in the ssh certificate.
      --use-ssh-agent										 Enable ssh-agent
      --ssh-command                      Path to SSH executable. e.g. /usr/bin/ssh
  -T, --tunnel                           SSH tunnel param. e.g. -T='-L :5555:' 
  -C, --command                          Command to execute on the target (useful for non interactive-mode). e.g. -C='ls -al'
  -J, --justification                    User connection justification    
      --debug                            Output debug prints
      --profile, --token                 Use a specific profile (located at $HOME/.akeyless/profiles) or a temp access token
      --uid-token                        The universal identity token, Required only for universal_identity authentication
  -h, --help                             display help information
      --json[=false]                     Set output format to JSON
      --jq-expression                    JQ expression to filter result output
      --no-creds-cleanup[=false]         Do not clean local temporary expired creds



For SSH access through the bastion, please use both -v ssh-bastion and the -c cert_issuer_name option. Notice the end-users require read permission on the cert issuer item which enables them access to the bastion.

akeyless connect -t user@ssh-server[:port] -v <via-sra-bastion-ssh-service> -c "<Path to SSH Cert Issuer>"



For using different SSH cert-issuers that enable access to target-servers without providing read permission to the end-users (only list permission on the cert-issuers), you will need to also pass the flag: -n cert_issuer_name for the other cert-issuer. This will enable access through the bastion based on its allowed-users list, where the bastion will read the secret (request the cert) on their behalf.


akeyless connect -t us-east-1 -c my-ssh-cert-issuer -v <via-sra-bastion-ssh-service>:<port> -n "<Path to AWS Dynamic Secret>"

In case you already defined the Cert Issuer inside the akeyless-connect.rc file you can use:

akeyless connect -t us-east-1 -v <via-sra-bastion-ssh-service>:<port> -n "<Path to AWS Dynamic Secret>"


akeyless connect -t <mongo server IP>:27017 -v <via-sra-bastion-ssh-service>:<port> -n "<Path to MongoDB Dynamic Secret>"


akeyless connect -t <mysql-server>:3306 -v <via-sra-bastion-ssh-service>:<port> -n "<Path to MySQL Dynamic Secret>"


akeyless connect -t <namespace>@<eks cluster endpoint without https:// > -v <via-sra-bastion-ssh-service>:<port> -n "<Path to EKS Dynamic secret>"

Non-interactive connection to K8s:


AKEYLESS_PARAM='get pod' akeyless connect -t <k8 cluster endpoint> -v <via-sra-bastion-ssh-service> -n "Path To K8s Dynamnic Secret" --ssh-extra-args "non-interactive"


$env:AKEYLESS_PARAM = 'get pods'; .\akeyless.exe connect -t <k8 cluster endpoint> -v <via-sra-bastion-ssh-service> -n "Path To K8s Dynamnic Secret" --ssh-extra-args "non-interactive"

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